= 44th State of the Fleet, November =

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Federation News Network = 44th State of the Fleet, November =

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  • #176756
    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player



    Greetings Fleet!

    First weekend of the month, time for the usual fleet review. As always, join me in welcoming our newest members from last month, and send them a friend invite if you hadn’t already:


    @brooklynjack (Justin), at Mountain Time
    @Taquillavette (Christina)
    @chindvox (Chris) from the UK
    @mdk (Chris) from Ohio
    @skrubspanker02 (James) from the UK
    @Harvey338 (Harvey) from the UK
    @topdog1125 (Lee) from Florida

    Yay ! K13 is finally live ! But, buggers, we can’t enter it yet. We have completed the first Tier xp’s but the upgrade/unlock will take at least 10 days, PLUS a possible further unlock project. So earliest date for us to be able to actually set foot on the new TOS holding is November 13th-ish. Good news is we have unlocked the bar on all our three fleets already, so at least we can have a drink (or two) to celebrate when we can. We keep you updated on all fleet related K13 things here.

    Obviously we still need to do a thorough testing of all the goodies that will be available eventually, and it will take quite some time to unlock it all, but what we can see from the given stats now is that the K13 stores aren’t offering anything better than what we already have;

    New K13 engineering consoles are no match for the current Embassy Science (+Plasma) consoles, or the Spire Tac Locators/Exploiters.
    New K13 Boffs are no match for the Embassy Romulan Superior Operatives.
    New K13 Doffs will not give that high of a ‘current meta’/game-changing buff.
    New K13 weapons are still no good alternative for crafted ones with the right mods (unless Feds now get access to Fleet Disruptors).

    Reddit overview (stats may have changed).

    It’s not all doom and gloom of course, and hopefully actual field testing may say otherwise. Certain specific (kinetic) builds may see a small increase. And especially cruisers with their many Engineering consoles may find some benefit.

    But hey, we do get a new tailor and uniform (details not available yet) and as we all know, Space Barbie is OP 🙂

    Right now the Crystalline Entity Event has returned, and boy is it easy now with all the power creep. The Crystal gets shattered in record-time and I’m sure that makes Cryptic scratch their heads. I know that lead designer Al “Captain Geko” Riviera really wants to get rid of both the queue and Event version since their mechanics are so outdated. The massive Alpha strikes killing the Giant Snowflake in mere seconds in some runs are ridiculous to be sure. Does make our farming a lot easier when it finishes just when you enter the map…Winter is coming! The 6-week 2016 Winter Event is on the Calendar already and will run from Dec 1st till January 13th.
    It is not confirmed yet what will be this year’s Event Ship, but I am looking forward to it regardless. The previous ones were actually not bad at all: the T6 Krenim Science ship, Ferengi Nandi and Breen Rezreth dreadnought carriers are pretty decent in their own right, with equally decent (not great, but not terrible) traits worth the unlock. Plus the daily ice-run to earn the Event Ship is pretty quick and easy – once you get the hang of it. 😀
    Also it is a good way to earn Choice of Marks which will greatly help filling your (alts) dormant reputations.
    We will get back to this when the actual Event goes live.

    Speaking of ships, did your choice win in the Lukari (Winter?) Event Ship community contest ?

    44th Forum events will continue as usual, with “Search for Soolin” making a regular return: I’ll try to have a new one each week or so. And we have a return of Roleplay-by-post: there were some requests about a return to Forum RP and as ever we try to comply. It is voluntary so you can join as you please, with no prior experience required, and no set rules. Just imagine what your main character would do or how he/she/it would react. As an extra option my RP stories will always combine actual in-game maps/missions so you can get decent immersion.
    Do you think you have an RP story to share ? Share !

    Since there was zero interest I took the “Visualize your own Trek story/history” contest down and will format it differently next time.

    Coming back to fleet projects, we will start putting up some more of the usual ones again since the specific K13 projects take their own slow but steady pace and requires mostly Engineer and Science Doffs. We will open Tactical and Civilian Doff missions on the other Fleet holdings as a Doff sink. This allows you guys to earn those extra fleet credits to buy the shiny fleet ships, fleet weapons and eventual K13 goodies.

    I’m a minority but I’m still annoyed that the fleet project Commmodity requirements have been replaced by regular ec – my KDF ‘marauders’ (farmers) could collect a massive amount of various commodities just doffing (so basically free), but instead of donating them I have to vendor them now at half price. With this change the whole need for various commodities seems to have been taken out of the game; there are only a few needed for colony doff chains and a handfull of specific doff missions. It’s a pity, but in the long run probably a better deal.

    Speaking of “vendoring”, as an FYI to our newest members, your (!) fleet starbases provide various services similar to ESD/Qonos; the Starbases have a Chef which can be used to sell your loot drops (offering the usual 50% return) and a Security Officer for contraband turn-in is available on the Tactical deck. Seek out the Personnel Officer in Ops to buy common (white) Doffs for projects or request the free ones similar on the Academy there. Drawback is that an exchange is not available on the starbase – thankfully you can insta-travel to the embassy, the fleet mine and R&D Lab via the transporter (why do we need ships again? :D).
    For short-cuts you can use the giant transwarp gate that has been unlocked for quite a while now; it has several adresses and saves you the trip when your own transwarps are on cooldown or a specific one not unlocked yet. Handy.

    And I can’t emphasize this enough: there is a very lucrative 1,200 dilithium daily doff mission at our Fleet Research Labs (all fleets) which is a virtual give-away as you pick up the resources needed just playing the game. Using the starbase transporter you don’t even have to travel to the Delta Quadrant. Pick. That. Up.

    Due to the Commodity/ec change AND the deletion of materials from the Dyson Space Doff missions once again the dili/mark guide on this forum needs some updating (thank you Cryptic) and I’ll get on that soon(tm).

    Unfortunately, PVP in STO is ‘broken’. Due to the Invincible trait (Zahl ship, 900 lobi) and the Tier IV Temporal trait ‘Continuity’ giving certain players a definitive edge (and congrats to those that have both :D) – especially when starters face off against veterans. However I’m still thinking about restarting a PVP tournament with some sort of theme to level the playing field. I had a lot of fun in last year’s Tier 2 Ship exclusive one.
    Perhaps finally do a ground only PVP ? Any ideas ?

    Any other comments, questions, suggestions post them on this new shiny forum so diligently maintained by Palcioz (thank you sir!).

    Thanks all for your time reading this. Now stop slacking and get back into the game ! 😀

    See you, out there.

    (Pathfinder LR Science vessel)

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    excellent update! thank you so much for all you do!

    aka Stompar

    Chief Engineer

    Ahh, Crystalline event comes around again.  Time to decide which of my children I love the most, or at least which ones need a new ground weapon the most.  🙂

    Thanks for the update, and a big welcome to all the new members!

    Fleet Member

    Something I’ve noticed since the big patch is that it’s now very worthwhile to do one of the daily ground missions on New Romulus each day. With the daily bonus you used to get 720 dilithium and 75 marks. After the patch with the daily bonus you get over 1000 dilithium and 85 marks. I beam down each day and just do the staging area mission. Takes just a few minutes and the returns are pretty good.


    A note about the daily at the fleet research lab. Even if you’re on a fairly fresh toon with very few R&D materials I’ve found that if you can manage to do the daily once, the blue quality materials you get after completing it can usually be sold on the exchange for more than what it will cost to replace the lower quality mats required in order to do the daily again the next day. Between this and the New Romulus daily I mention above, you’ll pull in about 2250 or so dilithium a day on each toon for minimal time and effort. With admiralty and doffing thrown in on top of that it significantly cuts down on the 8k per day you’ll want on each toon.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Jim44305.
    Fleet Member

    I’m not actually even a member yet (I just applied!)  But, I already learned some great information.  Thanks!


    aka @silvershadow#5602

    Fleet Admiral
    Founder 44th Delta FleetTeam Player

    Marcase does so much.  I have been having real problems with the internet.  We have opted to change service.  It will be a few days before I get access.   I hate to lose all that dilithium refining!

    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    3 cheers for the Admiral! Hip hip!

    Definitely blog worthy stuff. The only downside is to keep it “quiet” on our lonely (in internet terms, no offense) little, yet flashy website. Maybe turn it into a fan-based (rather than fleet-based) state of the game monthly blog or somehow promote it on the “big” board? Just some thoughts.

    Team Player

    I like the idea of doing ground pvp. We had a fun time after Resto’s first giveaway, when we accidentally entered borg ground map, instead of space. My TOS character was under-equipped, yet I had no trouble  participating. Gear requirement isn’t high compared to space pvp so it is easier for new characters. Still, we could make gear limitation to have everyone equal if it will be needed.

    Fleet Member

    Wow!  I love this update.  What a nice idea.  I’m lucky to have found this fleet.

    aka @savesh

    Fleet Member

    Good info. Marcase, you are a badass. I can’t thank you enough for being a patient and helpful mentor in this game.

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