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February 25, 2013 at 10:58 am #153906
i have meant to post this before, but have you ever noticed how many players you see from the 44th around in game?
i see them in space, DS9, ESD, at the bank, exchange, everywhere…..except ground. 🙂
what i find interesting is that many of our fleet members never post, never chat, never come here to the forum. i suppose they are lone wolfs that just enjoy playing their way and that is just fine.
i also noticed our membership increased quite a bit. i’m amazed that some fleets run off good players, but as i often say, good fleets will thrive and bad ones will perish.
i finally got a group to go into pvp with me for the first time after trying for a year. 2 things; first, we have some good players new and old. secondly, i stink in the kumari. i will NEVER take an andorian ship into pvp again.
i tried a build Blackout uses for his kumari, but it did not work for me at all. lesson learned; you have to play at your skill level. kind of like riding a bike, some don’t need training wheels, but others do.
February 25, 2013 at 11:50 am #157801One of the big draws to the 44th for me was that we don’t take ourselves too seriously. We don’t:
– Have some sort of convoluted reporting structure,
– Have to “check in” with a squad leader every 3 days,
– Have to attend squad and fleet “meetings”,
– Have to do participate in mandatory activities or risk getting kicked.We can participate to the level which we feel like participating, and no one is going to judge you if you decide to do your own thing. We all understand that we all have lives, so things are going to interrupt our playing time or what have you.
Some of us (like me) are min-maxers who will insist that flying an escort with a tac captain is the way to go. Others just want to fly around in a Sovereign class cruiser – to hell if it’s not optimal. That’s cool too.
Others like to have their builds tested in the hardest arena in the game: pvp. Others are scared to death of it. Hey, whatever floats your boat.
There’s room for everyone in this fleet (that is, until we hit the membership limit, in which case I guess we’ll have to get rid of inactive people) and all their idiosyncrasies, and I love that.
Now, as for never taking a Kumari into PvP again Sargon, as you say: maybe you need training wheels… but sometimes, the best way to learn to ride a bike is the keep falling down again. Because sooner or later, something will click, and you’ll learn how to ride.
Oh, and my current verdict on the Kumari FYI: Lots of forward firepower, can blow up an unprepared target in 5 seconds flat, and great with support. That being said; it’s no JHAS in a prolonged fight.
February 25, 2013 at 12:33 pm #157802i probably shouldn’t say never. maybe just until i fall off enough times….like 100 or so. 🙂
another good point you made was about players that don’t care about optimal performance. this is a game and it should be fun. it doesn’t always have to be about dps.
February 25, 2013 at 1:29 pm #157803Just an fyi never pvp against ta’al, you will not be able to keep a lock on his ship. 😥 He is a slippery s.o.b, I was pulling my hair out this morning. lol
February 25, 2013 at 2:41 pm #157804I try to follow chat on our channel and have experimented a bit with emotes when a mate is more local. I’m a bit guarded about doing this as I feel a bit asinine when the descriptor has posted up and a short ways off I run into somebody else. Should I wave again? What if I don’t? Will people think I only wave to senior fleetmates? Will people be annoyed that I’m filling up the chat log with stupid “friendly hellos”? Too much second guessing. I try to confine emotes to people I’ve chatted with a bit before.
I am a bit of a lonewolf (old habits die hard) but I am trying to make time to play STFs with fleet. I would like to try a bit of PvP with 44th just be aware I’m not that optimal and will likely be a weak link if our goal is hardcore builds (the teamwork and target prioritization is something I can accomodate however if someone takes lead and tells me what they need). Pug team I was on last night got stomped into the dirt by klingon forces 😳 . The game itself was more fun than the hang time waiting for a game to materialize.
One thing I noticed I missed was the team fleet mark grinds we had been doing over the summer. Gathering marks and reps is largely suck but might be more entertaining teamed with the fleet. Epoh tag is about as close as I’ve had to that experience since returning.
February 25, 2013 at 2:42 pm #157805@Beta wrote:
Just an fyi never pvp against ta’al, you will not be able to keep a lock on his ship. 😥 He is a slippery s.o.b, I was pulling my hair out this morning. lol
Challenge Accepted.
February 25, 2013 at 2:47 pm #157806@horridperson wrote:
Pug team I was on last night got stomped into the dirt by klingon forces 😳 . The game itself was more fun than the hang time waiting for a game to materialize.
Just a friendly piece of advice, and this goes for everyone, If you’re new to PvP, FvK queues aren’t the best place to start. FvF is much more forgiving, and you don’t have to deal with power siphon drones, Plasmonic Leech, Battle and regular Cloaks, and Aceton Assimilators; which are massive advantages for Klingons.
February 25, 2013 at 3:44 pm #157807@Blackout wrote:
Just a friendly piece of advice, and this goes for everyone, If you’re new to PvP, FvK queues aren’t the best place to start. FvF is much more forgiving, and you don’t have to deal with power siphon drones, Plasmonic Leech, Battle and regular Cloaks, and Aceton Assimilators; which are massive advantages for Klingons.
ORRRRR… Do FvK as a Klingon.
February 25, 2013 at 6:12 pm #157808Neisseria337
Fleet MemberI see you guys around sometimes… And I’m here on the forum lurking daily. I’ve added some people as friends in-game when I’ve met them out in the field (coincidentally fighting side by side against Tholians, etc). But I don’t tend to speak up in the text chat and don’t have a mic for TS. However I feel like I’m getting to know a few of you just by watching what you all type 😉 (wait, was that a bit creepy…?) 😀
I just made it to Tier V Omega by running around Defera, so I’m now in the market for some BNPs so I can buy nice things… Meaning STFs, which I’ve never tried before. I’m learning the ropes of the Normal difficulty versions and will come to you guys at some point soon to try an Elite or two… But I’m kinda scared of looking like a total fool or – more importantly – ruining the optionals/fun for other people. I enjoy flying my little Fleet Nova (you’ll probably see me in that when not STFing), but I do have a Fleet Defiant with some purple Mk XIs for the more serious stuff.
Also I have a lot of real world pressure on my in-game availability, so I worry about having the time to complete missions. I’ll try to organise some solid in-game activities when I get online and have an hour or two to spare after work and before my girlfriend gets home. Mostly I don’t want to annoy anyone.
I’ll try to speak up in the chat a bit more from now on! 🙂
February 25, 2013 at 6:56 pm #157809Don’t worry about looking like a fool; no one is terribly critical and the atmosphere is very supportive. I might give you some grief for trying to steal my job though 😉 .
February 25, 2013 at 6:59 pm #157810The “old” STFs are pretty easy on elite once you get some reasonable equipment and have a clue whats going on. Lat has a post on the big board that might help there are some links around here as well. Get some ship components and heal in map and do your best. A *newbie* alert would let others know to guide you what to do, etc. but don’t not “X” up because of that. Most times they fill really quick. Hive is a bit tougher and requires some above average DPS in elite. Some people do ground STFs but comparatively space STFs are just more efficient.
February 26, 2013 at 7:00 pm #157811I have not been in fleet long, but so far…You are all super amazing and I am so glad I joined. Good knowledge base, enterataining conversations, and a great mix of players. The really amazing how do the do that to the hey this person is really fun to run with. I am a min-maxer who likes to play challeging content, and i can do that here, i can also ‘slum’ it and just have fun with fleet mates or do the ‘contribute to project race’ 🙂 Great place!
That being said, I have also yet to see a fello 44ther in a ground stf lol.aka Stompar
February 26, 2013 at 7:27 pm #157812@jtuyajr wrote:
That being said, I have also yet to see a fello 44ther in a ground stf lol.
That’s because those of us that do ground never PUG it. Unlike space, which you can muddle through in a pug, ground you usually cannot. I’ve grinded out 5 mark XII STF ground sets prior to the season 7 reputation system. Not once did I ever just que up for a PUG run. Well, maybe one time when I got impatient – and that ended up being a complete waste of an hour.
Now, just repeat after me. “Friends don’t let friends PUG ground STFs”. “Friends don’t let friends PUG ground STFs”. “Friends don’t let friends PUG ground STFs”…
February 26, 2013 at 7:31 pm #157813@Latinumbar wrote:
@jtuyajr wrote:
That being said, I have also yet to see a fello 44ther in a ground stf lol.
That’s because those of us that do ground never PUG it. Unlike space, which you can muddle through in a pug, ground you usually cannot. I’ve grinded out 5 mark XII STF ground sets prior to the season 7 reputation system. Not once did I ever just que up for a PUG run. Well, maybe one time when I got impatient – and that ended up being a complete waste of an hour.
Now, just repeat after me. “Friends don’t let friends PUG ground STFs”. “Friends don’t let friends PUG ground STFs”. “Friends don’t let friends PUG ground STFs”…
LOL and yet so true. I’ve done probably my share of pugging and ground can be really bad.
February 26, 2013 at 7:49 pm #157814@Neisseria337 wrote:
Also I have a lot of real world pressure on my in-game availability, so I worry about having the time to complete missions. I’ll try to organise some solid in-game activities when I get online and have an hour or two to spare after work and before my girlfriend gets home. Mostly I don’t want to annoy anyone.
Oh, and the missions really don’t take long. If all you need are BNP’s, then just run space STFs. ISE (Infected space elite), and CSE (Cure space elite) are probably the quickest at around 10 minutes. KASE (Khitomer accord space elite) around 15. You’re guaranteed at least 1 BNP each run. If you do it with the fleet, don’t worry about your build. Just ask for basic instructions, and all will be well.
Ground is a little tougher to get the optionals, but if you need omega marks, this is the better place to be. You get a base of 90 marks per run, and can randomly get up to 150 per run, and then you get 22 for completing the optional. Time to complete is around 20 min usually.
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