= 44th Fleet Birthday!!!!!! =

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Main Deck = 44th Fleet Birthday!!!!!! =

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  • #187604
    Team Player

    As some of you may know, the 44th Fleet has been around a LONG time. What some of you may not know, is that the 44th Fleet was founded before the game even launched! In my interviews with people who were around back then and with some research help from Fleet Admiral Marcase we have determined that the official founding date of the fleet was on 2009-8-17, a full 4 months before the game launched. Not many people who were around then are still here (Cross being the only one I’m aware of) and many have moved on to real life and have retired from the Fleet we hold so dear. We have people like Admiral Latniumbar, Admiral Webster, Vice Admiral Intrepid, and others to thank for starting this awesome fleet.

    All of this being said, the Fleet Officers and I have been planning a celebration of our fleet and I am pleased to announce that we will be holding a shindig of EPIC proportions on Risa to celebrate the Fleet’s 8th birthday! It will be an event full of games, prizes, and fun! Everyone who is in the 44th Main Fleet, 44th Delta Fleet, and the 44th Assault Squadron will be able to attend. Here are some details of the activities:

    Mountaintop Mayhem:

    A simple footrace from the Dabo table to the top of the mountain on Risa. The winner of this race will get Lockbox Key x5! The rules are simple:
    1. No speed boosting traits/gear allowed!
    2. No sabotaging of other racers!
    3. No Floaters!
    Following these rules, how you get to the top is up to you! Vice Admiral Paradoxical will be waiting at the top to award the winner the prize!

    Hoverboard Hyjinx!

    A hoverboard race around the entirety of Risa! Enjoy the sights as you race your fellow Fleet Members around this route:

    The rules are simple:
    1. Must use a RENTED HOVERBOARD!
    2. Must follow the route pictured!
    One of the Fleet Officers will act as guide so you will know what path to take, however, please study this map and know your route!
    There are 3 prizes for the top 3 finishers! They are Inspirational Leader, Helmsman, and Psychological Warfare. Winner gets to choose which one they want, 2nd place gets choice of the remaining 2, and third gets the last one.

    Bikini Bash:

    This activity is a simple beauty pageant for your swimsuit! Show off your swimsuit! The fleet will vote on their 3 favorites (contestants will vote as well and can choose their own as one of their favorites) and the one with the most votes wins Lohlunat Favor x1000!

    Floater’s Folly:

    This one is a difficult one. You must fly a floater thru all of the windows in the huts located here:

    This is a timed event and the 3 fastest times will win one of these prizes: Vicious, Firearms Specialist, and Ironsides. Fastest time get first choice, second fastest gets pick of remaining two, and third fastest gets last one.

    Live Search for Soolin:

    A live action run of everyone’s favorite forum contest! This will be a series of 5 searches, with Vice Admiral Paradoxical giving out the hints on where to find our wayward Fleet Admiral! Winners will win Your choice of Superior Tech Upgrade x10 and once you win once, you cannot win this contest again on Risa.

    Rowdy Raffle:

    A fleet-wide raffle for everyone! Anyone can win and it is completely random. Vice Admiral Paradoxical will assign every member who comes to the shindig a series of random numbers from 1-100. Fleet Admiral Marcase will utilize the “roll dice” emote to randomly select a number. The fleet member with the matching number assigned to them will win a prize! Prizes will include Favors, Superior Tech Upgrades, and even A T6 Ship!

    Didn’t win anything at all? No worries! There will also be a door prize of Lockbox Key x2 and Infinity Lockbox x2 as well as a special forum ribbon only available for coming to this event, just for coming and having fun!

    When will all this take place? I’m glad you asked! This epic shindig will take place on 19 August. Now, to make sure the maximum amount of people can be there, there will be a poll at the end of this post with proposed times for this party. Select all times you can make it. The one with the most votes will be the time we shall hold it. The poll will stay up until 01 August, then we shall announce this shindig again on the August State of the Fleet with the time it will happen.

    Thank you all for being a part of the very finest Fleet in Star Trek Online and I hope to see you at this shindig!

    What time on August 19th (Saturday) can you make it to the Shindig? (All times are UTC a.k.a GMT)

    • 2200-2400 (20%, 9 Votes)
    • 1800-2000 (15%, 7 Votes)
    • 1400-1600 (13%, 6 Votes)
    • 1600-1800 (13%, 6 Votes)
    • 2000-2200 (13%, 6 Votes)
    • 0000-0200 (7%, 3 Votes)
    • 1000-1200 (7%, 3 Votes)
    • 1200-1400 (7%, 3 Votes)
    • 0800-1000 (4%, 2 Votes)
    • 0600-0800 (2%, 1 Votes)
    • 0200-0400 (0%, 0 Votes)
    • 0400-0600 (0%, 0 Votes)

    Total Voters: 12

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    UTC time is based in England. To find your UTC time use this guideline:

    EST is UTC -5
    CST is UTC -6
    MST is UTC -7
    PST is UTC -8

    So 0800 eastern time is 1300 UTC. Simple.

    Team Player


    Fleet Member

    I have zero idea what that day looks like for me. I can’t even give a time. I don’t know if I’ll be on all day or not at all. x_x

    aka @Tamakai

    Novellus Caine
    Fleet Member

    Just a quick note….for those that observe daylight savings times EDT, CDT, MDT, and PDT are -4, -5, -6, and -7 respectively.

    Captain Huckabee
    Fleet Member

    This looks really interesting, sadly it looks like I will be working that weekend unless I can get the time off :’-(

    Team Player


    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    I cannot vote on a time for august until I know my august schedule, which I will not know until around july 26th…………

    but yah def hope I can join as this looks fun.  Thanks again for another awesome event !


    also…Is there a way to see how long I have been in the fleet? I am pretty sure I joined shortly after the game launched. def in 2009.

    aka Stompar

    Team Player

    According to your ribbons, managed by myself and marcase, you joined in 2012.

    Link to application: Stompy Application

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Paradoxical.
    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    And was able to sneak my schedule early via hacking. The 19th is day one of a five day trip for me so I cannot make the shindig 🙁

    aka Stompar

    Fleet Member
    Team Player


    ok I will buy that. Must have been in that horrid other fleet longer than I thought lol

    aka Stompar

    Fleet Shindig Risa 2019


    Team Player


    Team Player

    Ok, due to time conflicts and trying to get as many people to participate as we can, we have decided to split the Games up over 4 Saturdays in September to get as many people as we can to win prizes! Starting on the 9th of September, each Saturday will feature 2 games! The dates and times are as follows:

    September 9th: Mountaintop Mayhem 2200 GMT, Bikini Bash 2300 GMT.
    September 16th: Floater’s Folly 2200 GMT, Hoverboard Hyjinks 2300 GMT
    September 23rd: Mountaintop Mayhem 2200 GMT, Hoverboard Hyjinks 2300 GMT
    September 30th: Rowdy Raffle 2200 GMT

    Live Search for Soolin will happen on days Marcase can be there. Times are based on the poll conducted. Each person who shows up ANY of those days will recieve the ribbon and for Each event you participate in, you will recieve x1 Infinity Lockbox and x1 Lockbox Key! (That’s right! You can get up to 7 lockboxes and keys!)

    Hope to see you there!

    Team Player

    Boop.. Coming soon!

    Captain Huckabee
    Fleet Member

    I should be there the 9th, and the last weekend

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