Cheers Para 🙂
aka @stu999man
You can get fleet modules from t6 reputation for 100 marks if you haven’t done this already before.
aren’t they a one time mission?
aka @stu999man
Welcome aboard
aka @stu999man
Welcome Aboard David, hope you enjoy it here 🙂
aka @stu999man
Cheers Akula 🙂
aka @stu999man
Looking into re-joining the mighty 44th.. do you want me to submit a new application?
aka @stu999man
Welcome aboard 🙂
aka @stu999man
Friday is normally my pub day 😀 especially in this weather 😉
aka @stu999man
Oh dear a Brummie… but could be worse you could be a scouser 😉 I’m london man myself 😀
aka @stu999man
YAY!! more brits 🙂 where abouts do you live Mark?
aka @stu999man
Very true that, I only threw it up there as a possible aid for people like myself as from what I can tell the author does update the mission to the current endeavor aswell
aka @stu999man
All 3 fed toons are already in a fleet, possible that toon has been deleted?
aka @stu999man
What’s the issue Marcase?
aka @stu999man
these are the ships you are looking for 😉
aka @stu999man
I’ll jumping on soon and getting your toons promoted 🙂 congrats
aka @stu999man