Noob Question Time

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Main Deck Noob Question Time

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  • #425219
    Stuart Pocock
    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    I suppose this is what I get for taking a break from the game, what’s the best way to earn massive amounts of EC these days? apart from selling doffs which isn’t as profitable as it used to be along with superior tech upgrades.

    I only need to make 60 mill for a few fleet ship modules (yes I know i can buy them on the Zen Store but i don’t want to buy them using $$$)

    aka @stu999man

    Team Player

    You can get fleet modules from t6 reputation for 100 marks if you haven’t done this already before.

    aka @anganysamavu#4972, @kjoiner#6008

    Stuart Pocock
    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    You can get fleet modules from t6 reputation for 100 marks if you haven’t done this already before.

    aren’t they a one time mission?

    aka @stu999man

    Team Player

    Selling Very Rare Upgrades is pretty lucrative. Beam upgrades sell the best iirc.

    Stuart Pocock
    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    Cheers Para 🙂

    aka @stu999man

    Fleet Admiral
    Team Player

    You can get fleet modules from t6 reputation for 100 marks if you haven’t done this already before.

    aren’t they a one time mission?

    yeah, once per rep you get to t6, for one fsm each.  so you can get 13? of them that way now i think?  so it’s nice, and depending on how many fleet ships you actually need, can be all you do.

    if you still need ec, there are ways.  you can do Tour The Galaxy daily…if you can finish it, it’s like 950k for 15 min of “work”.  if you can craft, you can make stuff to sell on the exchange.  my preference is for tech upgrades, but ymmv.

    also, don’t forget you can convert refined dilithium to zen.  so that’s a third way you can get fsm’s without any actual cash changing hands.


    edit: oh, also don’t forget that if you own the c-store version of a fleet ship, the fleet ship gets discounted to 1 fsm instead of 5.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by BreakingForce.
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