Application for Carlton@arlem72

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application for Carlton@arlem72

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  • #437993
    Fleet Member

    Real Name: Earle

    Age: 48

    Location: Salmon Idaho

    Full alt Character names: Bell@arlem72, Dalea@arlem72, Riz@arlem72 (Fed)

    Are you Silver, Gold, or Lifetime: Silver

    Tell us about yourself: I am Retired and an empty nester.  I play many games (EQ, SWTOR, LOTRO, STO and many others.  STO is my current go to game.

    Why did you choose the 44th: I do not like to que up for fleets with random people, as I do not know what I am doing half the time.  Hopefully getting to know some folks in the 44th will help me overcome that area.  The 44th seems like a good fit from what I have read.

    Have you read and accept the rules and regulations: Yes.

    aka @arlem72

    Fleet Admiral
    Fleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Welcome aboard!

    aka @phoenix#6622

    Fleet Member

    Thank you!

    aka @arlem72

    Fleet Member

    HI guys.  I may have messed up on my app.  Carlton@arlem72 is actually my main.  I listed all the others as alts thinking that was the place for alts. Sorry for the confusion.  I am online right now on Carlton@arlem72.

    aka @arlem72

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