Application for Buttychuckle

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application for Buttychuckle

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  • #438464
    Fleet Member

    Real name: Jim

    Age: 49

    Location: UK, GMT

    Characters: Current active characters: menail@Buttychuckle#07025 (Federation), Voq@Buttychuckle#07025 (KDF)

    Previous fleets: None (Federation), House of Kurn (KDF)

    Why join the Mighty 44th? Looking to add some endgame to my game, and access to fleets seems to be the final frontier! I’m not too sociable, but very happy to contribute well to the fleet needs in return for access to the gear.

    Tell us about yourself: Lifelong gamer, from Elite on the BBC Micro. Casual, non competitive, non-toxic player who just wants to play
    Do you accept the rules and regulations? Yes

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Menail.
    Fleet Admiral
    Team Player

    Just a minor note: the 44th is big enough and established enough that we don’t NEED donations. We have 4 Fed fleets and 1 KDF fleet with fully upgraded holdings. We’re not desperate for more, but we do try to keep holdings projects running to give members the opportunity to earn fleet credits.

    As mentioned in the rules, we do all of our promotions based upon time spent in the fleet. 2 weeks after you join, you get promoted to Lieutenant, and get full access to fleet stores. 4 weeks after that (so 6 weeks after you join), you get promoted to Commander, and earn the ability to place characters into any of our fleets up to our character limits.

    I’m going to accept you here in a moment, I just wanted you to be aware that gaining access to fleet gear doesn’t come instantly 🙂 . Assuming you’re OK with that, great! We’ll be happy to welcome you. If you’re not, then we just weren’t the correct fit for you, and we wish you the best, both in STO and out.

    Fleet Member

    I’m in no rush for buying stuff, I’m very new to all of this so that 2 weeks will give me some time to figure out this whole fleet thing! Thankyou, I’m already enjoying exploring the holdings and finding odd jobs to do!

    Fleet Admiral
    Fleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Welcome aboard!

    aka @phoenix#6622

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