Our Fleet › Forums › Public Lounge › Main Deck › 44th Fleet Foundry Mission
September 22, 2016 at 12:34 am #164181
I enjoyed the mission James; I even gave you a huge 100 dil tip but don’t spend it all in one place 🙂 . The core of the story is good and there is some impressive tecchnical stuff happening there too. I’ve tried to figure out foundry but I couldn’t even set up a ground map because I could understand the plane I needed for the horizon. The entry at warp and damaged ship interior were some sharp effects.
The dialogue could use a going over for spelling and story continuity. To get the wrinkles out you need more sets of eyes. If you wanted help catching them it would involve more replays and actually taking notes because I was negligent and just wanted to play the story and enjoy it rather than be a douchey editor; I did enjoy it except I didn’t find all the easter eggs and you clearly didn’t place them where I was looking 😛 . The plot hooks you dropped left the door open for more missions down the road if you are so inclined and i thought that was very cool.
The only thing that didn’t work for me was the Klingon side of the house. The dialogue with the renegade commander might have flowed differently in my mind but what I really wondered about was our own Klingon 44th. Would it be possible to have a Representative of the 44th Assault Group liase with the 44th in the wrap up rather than a extraneous General? It doesn’t make a lot of difference in the big picture because it is a Fed only mission but if someone playing a Fed had a Klingon alt it might be nice to elaborate on our sister fleet. If you were willing to pull a substitution in the conclusion the player could have a brief interaction with The Klingon fleet member as they are leaving rather than Soolin going all Section 31 and booting you out of her office so she can have a secret meeting. The push and the secrecy didn’t gel with me for the open and honest manner that we try to foster within and without the fleet.
If I can do anything to help let me know. I apologize for letting this slide a few days too many as is.
October 1, 2016 at 2:51 pm #164182Finally got to do this and all I can say, Bravo! This mission was great! I loved it and wished STO had more like this. I don’t dig around the foundry too much, but this has me eager to go looking for more missions
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