Re-Application for Sumilidonnis

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Re-Application for Sumilidonnis

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  • #426448
    Fleet Member

    Hello all,

    I was once in the fleet back when I played around 2014.  Life intervened however and I left the game behind due to small domestic responsibilities – namely a newborn son.

    With all this lockdown business and working from home, I have rejoined the game on my old alts but realised that I am no longer a member of the 44th *understandable considering inactivity).  At the time I believe I may have been a commander / luitenant.  I was able to buy stuff as my Fleet Arkif has loads of fleet only modules on it 🙂

    As such, any chance I could rejoin?  You can confirm my story from my forum profile presumably 🙂

    aka @sumilidonnis

    Fleet Admiral
    Fleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Hi David,

    No worries, your previous application is still on file, and members are always welcome to return from a hiatus, no matter how long.  An invite has been sent to your previously listed primary character, Sumilidonnis@sumilidonnis.  If you have any other alts, just list there here (with Fed or KDF alignment) and they will get invites too.  Once you accept the invite, you will receive LT standing, which will get you access to the fleet stores.  2 weeks after that, you will be eligible for full CDR status.  Don’t forget to re-add the ’44th-diplo’ channel in the in-game chat, as well as check out our Discord server, which probably didn’t exist when you last joined.  A link is in the top right of this page under “Resources”.  Welcome back!  Stay safe out there, and hopefully getting back into the game will provide some measure of relaxation and escape from all the real-world stress.

    aka @phoenix#6622

    Fleet Member

    Thanks Phoenix.  Are we a little quieter these days?  I only see 1 project running.

    aka @sumilidonnis

    Fleet Member
    Fleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Welcome back🙂

    With the main fleet maxed out, the number of projects in it have dropped. However you can contribute to the 44th Delta or Gamma fleets, or any other fleet in the armada to get fleet credits.

    The longest journey is the discovery of oneself

    Fleet Admiral
    Fleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Pretty much what Shohom said.  Main fleet is mostly maxed out for project levels and stocked on provisions needed for fleet stores. Delta is nearly there, but generally has a few more open. Gamma still has several projects running most of the time, and anyone in the 44th fleet can donate across the fleet using the Armada tab of the fleet menu.  That said, if there is a particular item that you need to dump for fleet credits, just post in the chat, and if there is a fleet admiral on at the time, we can look to see what is available for you.

    aka @phoenix#6622

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