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April 27, 2015 at 3:05 am #162195
DS3, living quarters
Yumi and Haznir beamed to the personal quarters of Dr.Tahna, positioned at the outer ring of the station. There was high possibility of harmful conditions so protective environmental suits were necessary for the mission. Life support wasn’t operational so room was cold and dark…
“Can’t see anything, flashlights on.” – Yumi said and pressed a button on her left palm. Haznir followed, filling the room with artificial beams of light. Room was divided into sleeping and work area.
“There are signs of fight inside…” Their lights illuminated broken glass and damaged furniture on the floor. “…but Tahna is not here. I will check the computer, you search the room and give me any significant readings from tricorder.” Yumi started searching for recent entries, usage history or encrypted files that could reveal what happened and set them on right path. Time was running out so they had to hurry.
“His last personal log said he was called to emergency briefing by Admiral Marcus Holt who is commanding the station. Seems like they were experiencing strange readings inside the station, small signals showing and disappearing in front of their eyes.”
Haznir was listening carefully. “That sounds like anomalies we caught on our sensors, outside of the station. Could it be they were appearing inside the stations too?”
“We can’t be for sure without detailed scan results, possibly recording or notes from that briefing. If it was anomaly, radiation or emission of foreign compounds in air would be first thing displayed on their consoles.” – Yumi said as she turned attention to screen again.
“Our equipment doesn’t give us any relevant information. What if those readings were reason for emergency briefing?” – Haznir asked while he moved the ray of light around the room.
“I don’t know..if they had anomalies inside station, why would they send a shuttle to examine it outside? Too much questions we can’t find answer to. Computer at Ops would provide data we need.” – Yumi said, knowing that Dragonstar crew would go there too.
Haznir got an idea. “If I redirect flow of relays at maintenance panel 19, we could get partial scan results of the station.” Yumi noticed his flashlight pointing at the hatch in the upper left corner of the room. “We just need to follow the path to section C.”
He climbed the desk and removed the hatch without trouble. “Strange, screws were missing..” Yumi proceeded, preparing to climb in. Just as she pointed her flashlight inside to see how far they have to crawl, nightmare lended down. Cold, soulless, tormenting. She screamed and would have fell from the table if it wasn’t for Haznir. Two meters away there were parts of dark colored tentacles scattered all the way to the corner where path was splitting, lying in the strange liquid.
After few seconds, Yumi recollected herself back to less terrified condition.
Something strange was going on here and we were in the middle of it. Those tentacles were organic, part of some creature that must have been inside the Tahna’s quarters. My first guess is that he was running from whatever that is. In what have I gotten myself into?
“We must follow this trail.” – She said and looked at Haznir who nodded quietly. “At least suits will keep us safe from the smell.” – He tried to make a joke but Yumi was preoccupied with her thoughts.
What is the connection of those anomalies and tentacles? Did briefing took place before this creature came to his quarters. Why was I chosen to be on this station? Time is running out…
May 5, 2015 at 10:25 pm #162196DS3 ,Power System Storage 3
Azure radiance bathed Power System Storage Room 3 tracing the forms of storage modules and the skeletons of shelving. It winked out returning the space to half light; emergency lighting blinked overhead struggling against the darkness. To a human eye nothing had changed.
It was deeper into the station than most transporter waves would have been able to penetrate. Washington regretted ordering the deep insertion but to make a difference his team had to leapfrog Dragonstar’s to close the distance and support them. There would likely be questions if an overly astute science type was on deck but pressing your rescuers is bad etiquette and Wash decided he’d flatten the egghead himself if it came to that.
Veqlargh One fanned across the compartment covering and closed on the entry point. Through filters on the blindsuit’s faceplate he watched them and felt a surge of pride. He stowed it. Being too proud got you killed.
Golka signalled the team to clear the door to the corridor. Harris the squad point stood like a coiled spring as Surn and Godi actioned the door and made ready. Harris signalled an all clear and “the Targ” shouldered his satchel and moved to join her in the hall.
“Contact North”, hissed Harris through the squad comm. With only 50 meters to traverse and a lift straight up the ten decks this would still work. The contact was in the opposite direction and still unaware. They could stealth by. It could work. It had to.
“Targ, Godi advance on the lift. Harris, Surn observe the contact; Do not engage.”
Washington and Golka lead the the Tellarite engineer and Betazed to the south, as they reached their objective Godi glanced at his tricorder. Against his better judgement Wash glanced at the display as a growing red rash began filling the screen.
The Targ dropped his equipment on the deck on the lift and and broke open the maintainance panel as Harris reported in.
“Multiple contacts advancing. They see us sir”
“Fall back to the lift. Godi, Golka support, shoot to kill, pull no punches”
It began with skittering of chitinous claws grating across steel then those solitary excrutiating sounds became like a rainstorm. The first flashes of phaser fire lit up the dark hall. A bleating, howling carpet of skittering monstrosities flowed up the corridor like a living avalanche. It was the sound of madness thought Washinton as he looked of the Tellarite’s shoulder. The Targ had nearly wired the auxiliary battery into the lift so he drew his pistol and turned his attention to the corridor. The remainder of his team had consolidated and were laying down coordinated fire as they retreated to the turbolift. Before them burning biomass carpeted the deck, walls and deckheads. The sound was dying and suddenly it was over.
“Got it” rumbled the targs voice over the comm. The loaded into the lift as Harris remained on the periphiary as sentry. As the lifts systems hummed to life Harris moved to join them.
“Mr Grag, OPs please”
May 19, 2015 at 3:21 pm #162197Sirius and his team have been closing to the deck which contained operations center of the station.They were one deck away when they heard the same sound like they’ve heard before when the horrifying creature chased them up the ladder and brutally slaughtered one of their teammates.
It’s coming after us again! – Daniel yelled.
Everyone started climbing faster towards the half open door of the turbolift shaft. Creature screamed in rage as it was closing fast to them.
Hurry up people! I don’t intend getting ourselves killed in a damned turbolift shaft. – Sirius said loudly to his officers as he was moment away from reaching the doors. As soon as he managed to climb to them, he pried them open with his both hands, so they could get into the corridor. Then he quickly climbed out of the shaft and started helping others to climb up inside the corridor as fast as possible, before the creature would be able to reach them. The last of team members barely avoided from being pulled down by one of the creature’s newly generated tentacles.
Are you alright? – Sirius asked bolian female security officer.
Terrified, but otherwise fine. – she answered while trying to catch her breath.
Suddenly they could both hear M’Toui’s sharp Klingon voice: Move aside!
They did as instructed momentarily, so the Klingon officer could throw two photon grenades down the shaft towards approaching creature, and to quickly close the door after.
Fire in the hole! – someone yelled right before a violent explosion shook several decks of the station. At the same time they heard horrifying scream coming from the creature, which just a few moments before chased them through the shaft. Sirius and his crew members hit the wall at the opposite side a second before the explosion.
Is it dead? – Daniel asked right after the station stopped shaking from the blast.
A reply from M’Toui came almost instantly: It should be!
I’m not going to be convinced about that until we check it out. – Lissan said while moving towards the doors which were slightly bent outwards due to the explosion. She tried to pry them open, but without apparent success despite her incredible strength. However, when Sirius and M’Toui quickly ran to her help, they managed to slightly open them with their combined effort. As they looked down, they could easily conclude that creature was blown to pieces. There were parts of tentacles and rest of it’s limbs and body all over the place and there were large amounts of both glowing purplish liquid as well as yellow blood all over the walls.
Well, I think this answers it. – Sirius said as he turned towards Daniel and waved with his right hand towards him so that he comes over and see it for himself.
Daniel slowly approached to them and was visibly relieved when he looked down just as Sirius, Lissan and M’Toui did: Oh, good. I thought we were done.
And we probably would be if it wasn’t for M’Toui’s idea to throw the grenades at it. – Lissan logically concluded.
Alright, now that we dealt with it, I suggest we continue to OPS. – Daniel suggested and then pointed down the corridor while adding: I believe we should go in that direction?
Sirius answered right away: Yes, that would be the shortest way. Let’s go!
After saying that, everybody followed him throughout a little less damaged, but stil quite messy corridor. It took them about a minute before they ran into next obstacle.
Crap! – Daniel cursed when he saw a spectacle just a few meters in front of them. The part of the corridor, or better said the part of the station was completely destroyed and it was open to a vacuum of space. Only a flickering forcefield was keeping the air inside the rest of the corridor in which they were currently standing. It was truly a sight of heavy devastation previously unseen by most of the present Dragonstar’s officers.
What shall we do now? Is there an alternate route to OPS? – asked a young human female ensign standing now next to Lissan.
Daniel answered first as he was familiar with the layout of the station: Unfortunately there isn’t, but I believe that if we go back past the turbolift shaft we came from, that there is an armory which should contain environmental suits.
Lissan spoke then without hesitation: Then we should go there.
I agree. – Sirius nodded in confirmation before everyone turned around and started heading back towards their previous position. About 20 meters away from the turbolift there were supposed to be a door of mentioned armory. However, there were a pile of debris in their place.
Oh great! An another obstruction. – Sirius sighed with a desperate expression of his face.
Don’t worry, sir! I’ll take care of it. – Daniel said as he bent down and started setting up one of the spatial charges he was carrying as a part of his standard equipment.
Wait a second! – Lissan shouted while pointing her tricoder and scanning the area behind blocked door. I’m reading a very faint life sign behind the debris. It’s Bajoran – she said.
What?! How we couldn’t detect it with Dragonstar’s sensors? – asked Sirius curiously.
I’m not sure, perhaps because those creatures were jamming us. – Lissan replied to him with uncertainty in her voice. I believe they have an ability to emit jamming fields around them so they could move unnoticeable towards their prey. – she added.
Well, that makes sense. But if that is true, then we might as well presume that there are more survivors on the station. – logically deducted Sirius.
Probably… – said Daniel before making a little pause and then he suggested: In that case we should hail Dragonstar to help us locate them and beam them off the station.
Sirius nodded in agreement and tapped his commbadge: Sirius to Dragonstar!
T’Luminareth responded as usual: Dragonstar here. What is your current situation?
We have just found a survivor here. It looks like that those creatures do not only mask their own signatures, but they are also able to emit jamming fields around them. That’s probably the reason why you haven’t detected any additional life signs. I suggest you do another sweep with dispersed multi-frequency beam and if you find any signs of other survivors on the station, except from the one near us, then beam them directly in sickbay, and have the doctor put them under strict quarantine until she’s safe that they are not contaminated by any kind of unknown matter or bio agent. – Sirius thoroughly explained and gave her instructions how to resolve their problem.
Understood, sir! Is there anything else we can help you with? – she asked with her indifferent tone of voice as usual.
No, that’s all for now. Any news from your side? – he asked curiously.
Yes, there are. A Bajoran vessel just arrived into system and it requested information about what happened to station. Apparently they arrived to retrieve the Bajoran doctor by the name of Tahna. – Vulcan female replied. Also the USS Curtana arrived in the area and they already sent their away team.
Very well. – Sirius was somewhat relieved by that information, but then he quickly came up with the next question: Is Bajoran ship still in the area?
Negative, sir. But we detected another brief appearance of the anomaly we encountered on our way here. – T’Luminareth replied.
Any idea to what that anomaly might be? – he asked her now even more confused then the first time by this revelation.
No. The appearance was too brief to get any relevant data. The only thing we know about it, is that it lasted approximately the same time as a standard transportation. – she answered.
This puzzled Sirius even more, but he couldn’t think of any ideas what that might be connected with. Sure, it was a possibility that those were transdimensional rifts Scarlett told them about, but their time frame was too short for anything to come through and nothing even did so far.
Very well, inform me if anything else occurs. Sirius out! – he ended communication and focused his concentration on his chief engineer who was awating on his next order: You may proceed subcommander. – Sirius told Daniel just before he yelled through the pile of debris in order to warn Bajoran there to get clear from the blast area: Doctor Tahna, do you hear me?!Yes! – a male Bajoran voice was barely heard through all the rubble.
Good. Move as far as possible away from the door then, because we are about to blow them up and there’s no other way we can reach you. – Sirius explained to him loudly.
Alright, just give me a minute please. – Dr. Tahna yelled as he slowly crawled away from the door.
Meanwhile Daniel was finished with setting up spatial charge on debris which were blocking doors to armory and then he instructed everyone to fall back. Moment later everyone was far enough from what would become a blast radius.
Fire in the hole! – Daniel shouted while simultaneously detonating the charges. Explosion was powerful enough to vaporize debris and clear the way into armory.
Thank Prophets for your arrival! I was almost sure that I’m going to die here. – Bajoran said as Sirius and his officers stepped through a hole made by explosion.
Sirius was the first to address visibly injured Bajoran: I’m glad we can be of assistance. Then he turned towards one of his officers and instructed her to help the poor man.
A young female quickly ran to him and pulled out her medical tricoder in order to scan the wounds. One of the wounds appeared quite deep and it was spreading from side to side of his stomach.
Dr. Tahna tried to speak again, but young female officer unintentionally prevented him by reporting his medical analysis to her captain: He is badly injured sir! I’m reading massive internal bleeding, damaged spleen and several ribs broken with two of them puncturing his lungs. He should be transported to sickbay and receive proper medical treatment as soon as possible, sir.
And he will, as soon as I ask him a few questions if that is alright. – Sirius was looking at Tahna with compassion, but he knew they desperately needed more information about how they got in this mess.
I don’t think that’s smart, given his condition… – woman started explaining, but was soon interrupted by Bajoran: It’s fine. I survived this far and I’m certain I can survive a few minutes to explain what happened. Just give me something to ease my pain.
Do it. – without hesitation Sirius said to a woman standing next to injured Bajoran and she injected him with painkillers.
Meanwhile, M’Toui and Daniel were looking around the place. There were a lot of discarded phasers and rifles scattered around all over the floor. Some of the environmental suits were missing, while majority of them were still inside open closets, and some of them were visibly damaged. On the opposite side of the room, there were several corroded scars and something that looked like a large hole from which peeped out one of the severed tentacles. Aside from that, there were blood, body parts and puddles of creatures purple glowing acid all over the floor. In addition to all of that, at a place where should be a bulkhead which was separating armory and vacuum of space, now there has been a giant hole. Only a flickering forcefield was standing between them and open space. They were stunned by the sight in front of them, but soon their attention was back on the Dr. Tahna as he started telling the story about events which taken place before their arrival.
As soon as effects of painkillers got in motion, Dr. Tahna started explaining what happened to station and how, from his own perspective:
I was just writing a report in my quarters when first alarms went off. Only a moment after I heard Admiral Holt’s voice over the station’s intercomm, and he told everyone to stay in their quarters so I did as was requested. It wasn’t long before the whole station started shaking from devastating detonations. I quickly ran towards window and then I saw it – a ship, unlike anything else previously recorded in history. It had numerous black appendages which looked like tentacles and several long spikes at it’s front side. At it’s aft side there was a glowing red ball of energy. It’s bright red beams of energy were literally draining station’s shields and tearing apart huge parts of the hull. Maybe two or so minutes passed before the stations shields were completely drained and then the strange vessels started spewing out something which looked like a projectiles of some sort, and in one moment it got close enough to the station in order to reach it with it’s tentacles. Both projectiles and tentacles started tearing the station apart and literally melting her hull. Station unleashed entire arsenal of her weapons at hostile vessel, but without success. Her phasers and torpedoes barely scratched vessel’s shields and at some point I heard noises and terrifying screams right above my quarters. I took quickly my hand phaser and stood in one of the corners looking what was going to happen next. Just a moment later several tentacles burst through the ceiling and tried to reach me. Without hesitation I adjusted my phaser to maximum setting and started firing on the monstrous tentacles severing two of them after few shots. Creature retracted itself back and I stood beneath the Jefferies tube in order to see the rest of the creature and kill it if possible. After firing several more shoots creature once again tried to reach for me with it’s tentacles, but I threw myself aside before it could catch me. As I realized that my phaser shots have a little effect on creature I set it on overload, threw it into the tube and put the cover on. Moment later phaser exploded and I heard creature screaming in pain. After that I quickly decided to evacuate from my quarters and go to the armory in order to obtain phaser rifle before heading for a station’s docking hangar as the entire crew was instructed by one of the officers from OPS. When I was running through the corridor towards nearest turbolift, a large number of tentacles started moving right on me at incredible speed. I threw myself quickly in the turbolift which was opened by one of the station’s officer. Unfortunately poor man haven’t made it inside and was violently teared apart by the different set of those disgusting tentacles. I did the only thing I could at that point, so I closed the turbolift door and told the computer to take me to the nearest deck containing the armory. It was this deck. At one moment as the turbolift was heading up, something started pulling it down violently so I had to get out through the roof and continue by ladder all the way up to the desired deck. And as soon as I climbed up, I’ve seen bright red light filling the corridor on the right of me. I ran a few meters towards it to see what actually happened and saw how a large part of corridor was being vaporized almost instantly and getting opened to a vacuum of space. As I did not wanted to be sucked out from the station I ran in the opposite direction and finally got here. Then I took the rifle and once I tried to get out, part of the corridor collapsed and blocked me inside. Soon after, one of those ship’s tentacles teared apart this bulkhead and I reached for hazard suits locker as quickly as possible, but before I got to the locker one of creature’s tentacles popped out from the wall and slammed hard into my stomach as you can see. I blasted it several times with phaser rifle I picked up earlier and severed it. Thinking it killed me, creature pulled back and left me in peace. Meanwhile, forcefield formed in the place of that hull breach and saved me from being sucked out into space.
Everyone including M’Toui were shocked by Tahna’s story and for a good minute or so they were left speechless. Young female that gave poor Bajoran painkillers opened her mouth first and addressed her captain: We should transport him to sickbay now, before he’s gone for good.
Without hesitation Sirius nodded to her and then he contacted Dragonstar by his communicator: Sirius to Dragonstar – we have one to be beamed up directly to sickbay!
Dragonstar’s transporter chief, lieutenant Riley quickly responded: Aye sir!
Moment later Dr. Tahna dematerialized from the floor of armory and rematerialized in Dragonstar’s sickbay.Sirius now stood up and addressed his entire team: Alright, you all heard now what we are dealing with. That ship might return at any moment and station is crawling with these creatures. I suggest we get to the OPS immediately, get a record of attack and get the hell out of here as soon as possible.
M’Toui was first to speak after him: Agreed! I also suggest that we blow this place to hell before we leave.
Lissan spoke next: M’Toui has a good point. We should take out the station so that no one encounters and gets killed by those monsters again.
Daniel also agreed with them and others followed too. The case was closed and they started putting on environmental suits in order to cross the destroyed part of corridor which led to station’s OPS.
But at the very moment they started heading out of the devastated armory, Sirius’ commbadge beeped.Oh! What the hell happened now? – he thought before answering: Verax here, go ahead!
T’Luminareth’s cold voice was heard over communicator: Captain, we have a serious problem here.
Yeah, tell me about it! – Sirius sighed sarcastically while stopping at the exit of armory. However, knowing that Vulcan’s haven’t really understood sarcasm he quickly asked: Ok, what is it now?
I suggest you look outside one of the windows. – she simply replied to him.
In an instant, Sirius turned around his axis and he was momentarily frozen at the sight before him. Through the hole he and his teammates could see what appeared to be transdimensional rift (the one just like the anomalies they detected before) from which started pouring out numerous tentacled ships of various dimensions, including ones described by Dr. Tahna.
Everyone was left speechless from this new horror unleashed upon them except Sirius who just said: My God! This is a full scale invasion!
To be continued…
(OOC: First and foremost I’m truly sorry for the long wait, but I was pretty busy in RL and it was hard to find any kind of inspiration with all the problems on my mind. However, I hope that the wait was worth it, since this time I revealed a lot with what exactly we will be dealing with. Now I know that this is a large cliffhanger, but I think that is more exciting this way and that you’ll be eager to write your stories as soon as possible. I really hope you like this one and the way I described events that transpired before our arrival. Btw, here’s how the described ship looks like: http://i.imgur.com/1e6tgFQ.jpg
June 5, 2015 at 5:36 pm #162198DS3, living quarters
Yumi and Haznir were standing in front of narrow corridor with hesitation. “We can’t lose any more time, Perikia will leave without us if we don’t hurry.” – Yumi finally snapped out of their reluctance and climbed inside. Her eyes were closed as she crawled toward maintenance panel 19, trying not to touch any of the tentacles that were scattered around them. Although she had high threshold of tolerance, expected from every Chief Medical officer, years of experience couldn’t prepare her for this distressing situation. Haznir followed, looking at his tricorder to make sure they are going the right way. Conduits started to shake a little as if there was some kind of detonation on the other part of the station. This caught him unprepared and he lost his balance, stepping onto larger pile of deprived pieces.
They felt relief as they crossed the area where fight took place. Haznir suddenly stopped as he noticed some strange smell that intensified more and more. “What the..” Yumi turned around and looked at him – “Haznir, are you all right?”
“The smell..” – He rashly directed the light over his hands and knees to see if there is breach on his EV suit. His suit was all stained in strange yellow substance which they concluded is creature’s blood. “I don’t see anything…wait!” Right below his right knee, suit has corroded by some kind of goo. Haznir’s heartbeat increased and his breath intensified. Fabric on his suit looked like plasma burn but it had more glowy purple impression.
Yumi was already on it. She reached for her pocket where medical tools were stored and used the scanner to make sure goo hasn’t got in contact with his skin. Luckily, it was only small amount of corrodent applied. She carefully isolated the affected part to make sure it doesn’t get in touch with his body. Scalpel used to remove the goo from his suit looked like it rusted. “I will store it in metal container for later examination, I have never seen substance like this before.” She observed it for a moment before she turned her attention to Haznir. “Your skin didn’t got in touch with it, I’m sure you would feel that.” Color returned to his face. “But we don’t know what you inhaled. Scanner doesn’t show clear results so we don’t know if corrosive effect extends to evaporation.” She finished patching up the hole in his suit, while he activated the filters to establish the optimal breathing condition.
Haznir kept quiet, spinning different scenarios in his head. He couldn’t stop thinking about that liquid: I must have got in contact with it when I lost balance, was it hidden inside those tentacles? Will I be safe? Am I infected? They were clearly under-equipped for mission of this type but they agreed to take the risk.
They continued crawling and soon got to part where path was turning left. Yumi noticed yellow liquid was disappearing behind the corner and felt the level of fear inflated. She reached for her pistol, and squeezed the handle tightly. Slowly moving she strained her senses to note any change in noise, concentrating to the smallest vibrations. Haznir noticed her pistol so he prepared his rifle and directed it in front of them. They moved, centimeter by centimeter, slowly…
…getting closer…
…breathing stopped, seconds turned into eternity…
…she was there, just needs to peep to the left to see what lies ahead… Now or never. When she bravely leaned her head, something jumped at her and forcefully threw her at the wall behind her, leaving her half-conscious from the impact. Creature was heavily wounded, barely moving as it lost a lot of blood and most of its limbs. Still, it possessed great strength and enough energy to kill. Without thinking, Haznir aimed at the alien in front of him, screaming at the same time. Rifle battery was almost depleted when tentacles wrapped around his body and smashed him against the wall.Impact damaged the power supply of signal inhibitor device Haznir had in his bag, leaving them exposed to the dispersed multi-frequency scan. Protective field was no longer hiding their signatures… Two dots showed on the console in front of Lieutenant Riley from USS Dragonstar, who was startled by unexpected appearance. He hastily touched his commbadge: “Riley to Keller – we found two more, beaming them directly to sickbay.” “Ok, preparing the quarantine area…Ready, hit the button.”
Yumi was blinded by sudden bright light. Am I alive? She was confused as she still felt that hit and all she could see was blurry figures and very loud voices. Where am I? She tried to keep her eyes opened, but fuzzy picture turned into blackness…
July 1, 2015 at 10:23 am #162199(OOC: This post describe events from the past, before they left Bajor to build up background of some characters and to better connect the story.)
BV Perikia near DS3 and Intel HQ at Bajor
Chief of Security Lenaris hoped he didn’t made a mistake by siding with Yumi. There was no going back now – he was already dragged into it. He agreed to take the risk the moment she approached him at the Bajoran Intelligence HQ, just as the mission briefing finished. Guess he should have kept quiet when he criticized The Great Rescue, mission to return wealthy Bajoran families to their home planet and secure them with jobs and place to live. All they were doing was buying themselves support from influential citizens, ignoring those that really need help. Execution of this mission was wrong, he knew that when he heard rumors circulating that Kala Anjar will get the Captain seat.
After the briefing he went to the canteen. He picked wanted to get some food and found an empty table in the corner. Someone whispered to his ear as he focused on Ratamba stew in front of him: “Do you want to expose yourself and get isolated?” – He was startled by the unexpected approach. He turned his head to the right and saw cute Bajoran medical officer, putting a plate with Jumja stick and Moba juice, preparing to sit next to him. “Excuse me, do I know you?“
Yumi smiled as she replied: “Don’t you want to get Security Officer seat at one of the ships?”
“Yes, but…” – He tried to speak his mind but got interrupted. “…but you already lost it by being smart at the meeting half an hour ago.” Lenaris kept quiet, surprised by Yumi’s words. He didn’t expect the corruption went that far.After few seconds of silence, Yumi continued: “Do you know the story of Krelo bear and young boy that got lost at Merzang mountains?” Gaining allies was necessary for her to make the things right. She knew she needed to do something but doing it alone was impossible. Lenaris knew where this was going: “Are you saying that…” He lifted his head to see if anyone is watching them, also looking behind before he continued the sentence “…that we should…” “Yes…” – Yumi was glad he understood – “We want to have Krelo bear on our side and strike when he starts to trust us. We will talk again.” – Yumi decided to stop talking when she finished her meal. It was important to maintain her usual behavior and carry on with her duties. Her guts were telling that Lenaris can be trusted.
Haznir was waiting behind the corner and synced with her walk toward the Sickbay. Yumi spoke to him without giving a look, having annoyed tone in her voice: “What are you doing here, you know we shouldn’t be seen together.” Haznir was impatient, trying to excuse himself for deviating from the agreed protocol. “Won’t happen again, how did it go? Yumi rolled her eyes. “I think he is with us. While you are here, did you do your part?” Haznir was glad he could deliver the report. He knew what genius he was and Yumi admired him for his skills. “He is clean, records show he can be trusted. His cabin is safe, nothing can penetrate my patch so his communication should be safe.” – Proud of what he done, he waited for her response. “This is the last time we speak about this in public, we will ruin everything. This is minimum I ask from you but thanks for protecting Lenaris.” – They parted their ways as she approached the Sickbay, few minutes away from Intel HQ main building.
Early morning next day… Can I trust her? What if this is just a trick to get me locked up and framed to get blame for whatever is on their menu. What if I am the Krelo bear? Words kept spinning in his head. He couldn’t sleep most of the night. Computer screen turned on, making a beeping sound. He would usually ignore it but he never gets notifications this early through that channel. It was suspicious. He stood up, rubbing his eyes, he approached the screen. Secured message, hm, what is this about? It was easily cracked since someone used his own security encryption protocols for sending personal mails. It contained part of text from an old Bajoran children story.
“…Young Boy entered a cave, he was lost but very brave. Wandered for days until seized by wild gaze. Prophets heard his prayer and turned him into a bear…”
=MESSAGE END=“What the…” He was confused, rereading the message he got. “That girl…” – he whispered and continued contemplating about meaning of the message. “She wants me to do what must be done to set things right…” Message suddenly disappeared from the screen, lost without trace.
Lenaris worked as part of the security team at the Intel HQ. His morning routine consists of checking PADD for his schedule, after which he reports for the daily tasks. Currently, most of the personnel was reallocated to the Reunionprogram. It was important to consider every security threat for each route and to estimate the safest directions ships should take as they travel to transport families back to Bajor. There was a lot of work so he didn’t wanted to waste any time since they will have another team meeting today.
“Strange, I need to report to maintenance room 02.” – He concluded as he checked his schedule. This wasn’t part of his usual daily tasks so it wasn’t hard to connect the dots. “After that message this morning, it was obvious they want to meet with me.”
Few minutes later, sign “02” was in front of him – he took a deep breath before entering a room. Now or never. As he entered a room, scanning ray blinded him for a second, followed by Haznir’s voice from one of the lockers: “He is clean.” One of the Lockers opened, revealing a hidden room behind it. It was a computer room, small base of operations, dream for any member of resistance. He saw two characters inside, their faces barely recognizable because of poor lighting. Lenaris was surprised: “How? My security readings don’t show this place.” Haznir couldn’t hide his smile – “Prophets heard our prayers and turned us into a bear.“
Yumi was pleased he came, she knew he wouldn’t bring a security team with him. Even if he would do that, searching this locker wouldn’t reveal a room behind since the second doors would prevent that. Scanning showed he wasn’t wired, they can proceed with their plan. She wanted to stop with the games and explain their motives: “It isn’t just about corruption and privileged use of Reunion program. It is bigger than that, they want to install certain people to our government. This effect would spill out to Intel HQ too and other major institutions. Reunion would bring them money and support.“
“Do you have evidence?” – Lenaris was shocked, sad to hear nothing was learned since the occupation strucked their society. “Not really, it was covered before we could copy the data, you just have to trust us.” – Yumi knew it was not much, but her word was all she could give.
“Ok, lets say I trust you, what do you want from me, what is your plan?” – Lenaris demanded an answer, why him and not someone else. “We need you with us on Perikia, your support would be invaluable. Haznir already started tempering with the crew list so four of us would be on same ship.” Lenaris was fast to reply – “Four of us?!” Yumi looked at Haznir with concerned look on her face. “Yeah…it is crucial that we keep the identity hidden for now.“
It was a lot of information in short time for Lenaris. Am I ready for this? Will I be able to do what they ask for me? Yumi ceased the pause as she noticed the insecurity on his face. “You just have to carry on with your usual duties, just make sure you don’t expose yourself further with expressing your opinion on those meetings. We will speak again when the time is right.” Lenaris knew he went too far with saying those things on yesterday’s briefing. “I can do that. Need to continue with my schedule, you have my support.” Yumi was happy to hear that, it was important to overcome the trust issues.
Yumi and Haznir are now alone in the storage room. “Did doctor Tahna saw the Krelo bear message you sent him?” After checking his monitor, Haznir replied: “Yes, it is up to four of us to make sure Perikia gets there. Altered parameters show that ship will go toward Starbase 514, this is closest I could get us.” “Good work. Too bad we don’t have Captain on our side. It would make things easier but if we are lucky, we will get evidence we need from him.“
BV Perikia, near DS3Lenaris just left the transporter room and went toward the turbolift, he needed to get back to the bridge. A thought crossed his mind. I hope I didn’t revealed myself when I accused Captain of being influenced by politics when we were debating whether to go to DS3 or Starbase 514. It was crucial that we get Tahna, I couldn’t just sit there. As he pressed the button to call the turbolift, he felt phaser pointed in his back and heard a female voice: “What do you think you are doing?” Lenaris was showered in sweat. It is all over now.
July 23, 2015 at 11:05 am #162200(OOC: Sorry for the long wait, I was waiting for someone to join or for some of our current participants to write something. And I’ve been waiting for inspiration to resume story as well. Besides all that, there are problems in RL too which had to be taken care of, so I hope you understand the delays 🙂 Now let’s get back to story
Last time in Star Trek – Into the Mouth of Madness:
It’s coming after us again! – Daniel yelled.
Fire in the hole! – someone yelled right before a violent explosion shook several decks of the station. At the same time they heard horrifying scream coming from the creature, which just a few moments before chased them through the shaft. Sirius and his crew members hit the wall at the opposite side a second before the explosion.
Crap! – Daniel cursed when he saw a spectacle just a few meters in front of them. The part of the corridor, or better said the part of the station was completely destroyed and it was open to a vacuum of space. Only a flickering forcefield was keeping the air inside the rest of the corridor in which they were currently standing. It was truly a sight of heavy devastation previously unseen by most of the present Dragonstar’s officers.
What shall we do now? Is there an alternate route to OPS? – asked a young human female ensign standing now next to Lissan.
Daniel: Unfortunately there isn’t, but I believe that if we go back past the turbolift shaft we came from, that there is an armory which should contain environmental suits.
Wait a second! – Lissan shouted while pointing her tricoder and scanning the area behind blocked door. I’m reading a very faint life sign behind the debris. It’s Bajoran – she said.
T’Luminareth: Dragonstar here. What is your current situation?
Sirius: We have just found a survivor here… Any news from your side?
T’Luminareth: A Bajoran vessel just arrived into system and it requested information about what happened to station. Apparently they arrived to retrieve the Bajoran doctor by the name of Tahna.
Also the USS Curtana arrived in the area and they already sent their away team.Sirius: Is Bajoran ship still in the area?
T’Luminareth: Negative, sir. But we detected another brief appearance of the anomaly we encountered on our way here…The only thing we know about it, is that it lasted approximately the same time as a standard transportation.
Sirius: Very well, inform me if anything else occurs…
Dr Tahna: Thank Prophets for your arrival! I was almost sure that I’m going to die here. – Bajoran said as Sirius and his officers stepped through a hole made by explosion.
Female medical officer: He is badly injured sir! I’m reading massive internal bleeding, damaged spleen and several ribs broken with two of them puncturing his lungs. He should be transported to sickbay and receive proper medical treatment as soon as possible, sir.
Dr. Tahna: It’s fine. I survived this far and I’m certain I can survive a few minutes to explain what happened…
Sirius: Alright, you all heard now what we are dealing with. That ship might return at any moment and station is crawling with these creatures. I suggest we get to the OPS immediately, get a record of attack and get the hell out of here as soon as possible.
T’Luminareth: Captain, we have a serious problem here.
In an instant, Sirius turned around his axis and he was momentarily frozen at the sight before him. Through the hole he and his teammates could see what appeared to be transdimensional rift (the one just like the anomalies they detected before) from which started pouring out numerous tentacled ships of various dimensions, including ones described by Dr. Tahna.
Sirius: My God! This is a full scale invasion!
And now the continuation:
After he recovered from the initial shock he got from the horrendous fleet he saw through a hole in station’s hull, Sirius quickly started giving orders to T’Luminareth: Get behind the starbase and go to full silent mode immediately! We are going to get to the ops fast and return back to ship. In case some of those ships vector towards you before we return, beam us out and go to warp as soon as possible.
Understood sir. – T’Luminareth responded without hesitation and asked immediately after: To where exactly shall we warp to?
Having a good knowledge of this part of space, Sirius quickly replied: Starbase 514. It’s the closest starbase in our vicinity.
Aye captain. – acknowledged T’Luminareth and then added: And before we end this communication you should know that we have saved two more Bajorans besides doctor Tahna and have them placed under quarantine.
Alright. How are they? – asked Sirius with a tone of concern in his voice.
They are badly injured, but hopefully our doctor will heal them. – T’Luminareth answered to him with confidence.
Very well. Keep me informed. Sirius out! – he said before ending communication and moved out from the armory into the corridor. Alright people, let’s get to that OPS as soon as possible! Follow me. – he shouted while moving through the heavily damaged and blood stained corridor.
It wasn’t long before they were crossing a destroyed part of station open to a vacuum of space. To the right of them they could once again see alien vessels pouring through the extradimensional rift.Oh man, this looks really bad! – Daniel commented on the sight before them.
Lissan agreed with him by saying: Yes, and especially if what that Bajoran doctor said is true.
I don’t doubt that one bit. Haven’t you’ve seen what that creatures are capable of and what they’ve done to the station?! – M’Toui protested loudly while they were approaching another end of the corridor.
We all have seen it, but right now I don’t think we should discuss it. – Sirius now interjected and added right after: Instead, we should focus on the task at hand so we can get the hell our of here as soon as possible.
With that being said, everyone went silent and kept walking towards the OPS door. Two minutes later, they arrived on their destination. The door leading to OPS were inoperable and their lower part was covered with blood and guts. Sirius tried to pry open the door with his hands, but without any success.
Make some space, sir. – M’Toui said as he approached the door with intention to help Sirius so they can open stuck doors. Sirius did as he was told and with their combined strength they managed to slide doors’ sides half the way, but at that moment a large spiked tentacle tried to reach out for them.
Look out! – Lissan yelled so both Sirius and M’Toui at the same time threw themselves aside, barely avoiding getting stabbed by the tentacle’s sharp spike.
Damn it! An another close call. – Sirius sighed while getting up from the floor.
Meanwhile, M’Toui has been already on his legs ready to strike at tentacle with his bat’leth.Looking at darkened OPS through half-opened doors, Daniel asked them then: So, what should we do now?
Well, we obviously can’t get into the OPS without getting ourselves killed by that creature. – logically deduced Lissan while trying to think of solutions to the newly arisen problem.
Can’t we try to get inside unnoticed through one of the Jefferie’s tubes? – after some fast thinking asked bolian female security officer.
That’s not a bad idea. But what if there’s another one of those things? – Sirius asked with an expression of serious concern on his face.
I don’t think that we will, because creatures that big can’t move through Jefferie’s tubes. – Lissan replied somewhat uncertainly.
Yes, but they can still get their tentacles through them. – Daniel protested and then continued: And besides that, you should not forget their corrosive fluids capable of melting almost anything extremely fast.
I’ll take my chances. We got to find out more about this beings, and OPS is the place where we can do that. – M’Toui volunteered first, while switching bat’leth with disruptor assault minigun from his back.
Sirius agreed with him by saying: Mr. M’Toui is right. We need that information and besides, we can’t quit now that we got so far.
Oh what the hell! Let’s go! – Lissan joined them with brief hesitation.
Meanwhile Daniel looked at them and then he to decided: While I’m not eager about getting myself gruesomely killed, I still agree about that part with information so count me in.
After him, everyone else followed and they’ve all headed for the nearest Jefferie’s tube entrance.
Sirius removed the plate that was covering the entrance with ease and looked inside the tube.
It’s looking clear. – he said as he have not seen any tentacles in it. Just as he then tried to crawl inside, M’Toui stopped him: I should go first sir.
As you wish. – Sirius agreed and passed him through. Few moments later, all of them were crawling through the Jefferie’s tubes towards OPS.
As he turned around one of the corners one of the mouth-edged tentacles found itself right in front of him. Although he was Klingon, M’Toui felt a chills going down his spine from the sight he’s been seeing.Hold up! – he loudly warned others behind him while observing tentacle which appeared to be dormant. Sirius took a look over his shoulder and said: I think it’s dead.
Yes, me too. – Lissan overlooked too over another M’Toui’s shoulder.
Right, let’s proceed then with caution. – M’Toui now agreed with them and resumed crawling through while moving tentacle aside at the same time.It’s good thing we have those environmental suits so that we can’t come directly in contact with it. – Daniel said while crawling beside the long tentacle.
Sirius responded to him positively: Yes, that’s definitely a good thing.
After several minutes of crawling, they have finally reached the panel which was covering passage to OPS. M’Toui successfully opened mentioned panel by kicking it with his both legs.
Being unable to see anything through due to the darkness in the OPS, he turned his head towards his crew mates and asked: Flashlight anyone?Sure. – Daniel responded him immediately and handed the flashlight.
In the name of Kahless! – M’Toui said moment after he turned on the flashlight and saw a giant creature in the center of the OPS with at least two dozen of different tentacles wriggling all over the place. They were lucky that the creature haven’t noticed them already despite its numerous red and yellow glowing eyes on its large bulbous saucer-like head with bulky, but somewhat smaller torso and about dozen of long flexible legs.
Look at that thing. It’s enormous! – Lissan said while observing the creature over M’Toui’s shoulder.
Sirius deduced the same: Yes, and that is not good at all. We have barely managed to killed that smaller one in turbolift shaft. I don’t know what it will take to deal with that monstrosity.
I think we should wait for the Curtana’s away team. They should be here soon. – Daniel wisely uttered.
Agreed. I’ll try to contact them. – said Sirius and tapped his communicator: This is Captain Verax from USS Dragonstar to Curtana’s away team. Please respond!
The only thing they could do now was to await on response from Curtana’s away team and hope they should get it soon. Otherwise it might be too late for all of them.
To be continued…
July 26, 2015 at 8:58 am #162201(Events that were happening on Perikia before it left DS3 orbit, just after Yumi and Haznir were transported to DS3)
BV Perikia, near DS3
Lenaris just left the transporter room and went toward the turbolift, he needed to get back to the bridge. A thought crossed his mind. I hope I didn’t revealed myself when I accused Captain of being influenced by politics when we were debating whether to go to DS3 or Starbase 514. It was crucial that we get Tahna, I couldn’t just sit there. – As he pressed the button to call the turbolift, he felt phaser pointed at his back and heard a female voice: “What do you think you are doing?” Lenaris was showered in sweat. It is all over now.
And now the continuation:
He recognized the voice instantly, it was Shakaar Julis, First Officer of Perikia. “I..I’m on my usual tour of the s-ship.” – Lenaris felt uncomfortable with phaser pointed at him, not knowing what will happen next.
“MOVE!” – Shakaar pushed him inside a turbolift and ordered computer to take them to bridge. Before turbolift doors opened, she removed the phaser and placed it on her belt. Lenaris panicked because Captain Kala was sitting at his chair looking at their direction, all other senior officers and bridge crew were doing their usual tasks.
Shakaar stepped out of the turbolift and addressed the Captain, slowly walking to her post next to Kala – “I found him, we can continue toward SB 514.” Captain responded with approval – “Good No.1.” Now Captain turned to Lenaris, who was still stunned, standing in the turbolift, not knowing what is going on – “For a few minutes we lost his signal. We need you on bridge since we decided to leave DS3, nothing we could do with destroyed station. Federation starships will inform us about doctor Tahna.“
Lenaris looked at Shakaar before replying, still terrified and confused by the event before they came to the bridge. She clearly wanted to let me know she is watching me, suspecting I am plotting against Kala. But why is she acting like this now?
“Ay Captain, I will make my security evaluation now.” After few seconds of typing at his panel, he confirmed they are ready to depart. No security issues on the ship, all crew members on board. Heh, did they planned this?
“Good. Benjarvi set course to SB-514.” – Kala ordered and went straight to Captain’s ready room. – “Bajor is expecting our report, need to make one.” Thought crossed his mind: We are out of our schedule, never should have come to DS3.
“Shakaar and Lenaris, before the end of the day I want to see updated estimates of our path.” – Kala ordered.
“On it now.” – Shakaar took her PADD and entered the turbolift, one of the petty officers went to the Command seats. Lenaris followed, careful not to turn his back to Shakaar, unsure of her motives. Shakaar was acting as he wasn’t next to her in turbolift, fixing her look at one spot, steadily on her position.
He followed her through ship corridors so they can make evaluation of their current situation. Silence that was present was making him nervous so he didn’t noticed room they entered was cargo bay 02, meeting place he had with Yumi and Haznir earlier.
Finally, Shakaar started talking once doors were closed. “You should be more careful. Captain assigned me to watch your every step.” – Shaakar explained, observing befuddled figure in front of her becoming more relaxed with surprised look. – “So you are the 4th one?” – He asked, still sweating since he was cautious not to get himself caught. “Yes, Yumi knew you will get Captain suspicious. Less you know about whole plan, better for everyone since you don’t know how to keep your mouth shut.” – Lenaris was not pleased with what she said but he understood that he made a mistake with exposing himself on that meeting.
“We need to continue with our duty now. Plan B took place as Captain decided to leave DS3 with Yumi and Haznir still on the station. Your position and skills are crucial in making this work so you will know what to do when time is right. Time is not our ally.” – Shakaar was supposed to reveal herself if she doesn’t succeed in keeping them near DS3. Since Captain was resolute, she had to comply to hide her intention by pretence of being his firm ally. “I need you to finish Captain’s task yourself, I need to do something important.” – She left the cargo bay and went to sickbay to do her part of their Plan.
Lenaris went to his quarters to rest a little before he writes the report. It will take him a while before he completes it since he now has Shakaar’s part too.
-To be Continued-
(OOC: I could continue with this but better split it and make second part in a few days as it would take me more time before I post.)
October 9, 2015 at 10:16 am #162202(OOC: Well, we’ve waited long enough for others to join us, so I guess it’s more than fair that we continue this story. It would be shame to left it on such cliffhanger. Wouldn’t it?
USS Dragonstar – main sickbay:
Ship’s doctor, Ashley Keller watched in shock as they transported Dr. Tahna and two other bajorans from Deep Space 3 to a quarantined area of Dragonstar’s sickbay. Keller has been already attending to Tahna’s wounds when two of other Bajorans materialized on biobeds next to his.
One of the younger male medical officers said to Keller after he quickly examined condition of male Bajoran: Miss, this Bajoran is in even worse shape from Dr. Tahna. Not even his hazmat suit could protect him sufficiently to prevent damage those creature inflicted to him.
Alright… – Ashley tried to retain her composure, although she was clearly distressed by the look of her patients and information provided to her in the past hour. How severe damage are we talking about? – she asked already fearing the answer.
There are more than dozen of broken ribs, damaged left kidney, punctuated lungs and spleen, massive internal bleeding and a minor spinal injury. Besides all of that there is also severe cerebral trauma with possible memory loss. And it looks like he came in contact with some kind of yellow liquid too, but that doesn’t seem to have any negative effects at him so far. – he said that with uneasy voice and added just a second later: All in all, if he wasn’t teleported when he was, he would have been probably dead by now.
Having signed up recently for a service aboard Dragonstar, Ashley knew she was going to have casualties due to the combat oriented nature of the vessel, but she never thought it would come so quickly to such drastic situation. That was the reason she have been left speechless for several seconds before asking about female Bajoran who seemed in much better shape than her companions: And what about her?
Young medic replied to her as soon as she was finished: She is in the best shape of them all with having only a few bruises, some minor cuts and a slight brain concussion.
Hearing all of that, Ashley knew what to do and decided to immediately activate ship’s EMH.
Please state the nature of the medical emergency? – EMH asked as soon as he was activated.
Ashley quickly explained to him condition of severely injured Bajoran and ordered him to help treat the patients. Then they all started together tending to the wounds of their patients.Having a serious headache and vertigo, Yumi could barely make out where she was and almost felt unconscious several times, but a little later she finally managed to get enough strenght so that she could ask one of the medical doctors where she is and what happened.
She simply explained to her: Don’t worry. You’re safe now, and are being taken care in sickbay of USS Dragonstar. And besides that you were lucky enough to end up with only minor injuries and a brain concussion.
Where are the others? – Yumi asked looking all around her.
They are here too. – she replied to her and then said before Yumi could ask anything else: Now please stay calm so I can heal you.
Given her current situation Yumi could do nothing, but to comply and let the Dragonstar’s medical personnel help her to recover. Granted, she was eager to find out how others are doing, but being currently unable to help them herself she decided to wait until she could get up on her feet again. She had also a lot of questions about the whole situation in mind, but right now that would have to wait too, and while trying to think harder about it she felt unconscious…
USS Dragonstar’s bridge:
After hearing her captain’s orders, T’Luminareth quickly started repeating them to designated Dragonstar’s bridge officers: Ensign Lukin, take us out from the view of those ships behind the Deep Space 3 and turn the ship in direction of Starbase 514 as fast as possible. Also you will send a message by secured channel to Curtana with instructions how to avoid detection. I’m certain their ship has silent mode procedures implemented too.
Right away, subcommander. – Cardassian acknowledged T’Luminareth’s orders just before she contacted chief’s engineering deputy by her communicator: Bridge to engineering!
Engineering here. How can we be of assistance? – woman’s voice could be heard over communicator and T’Luminareth almost instantly responded to her: When we come to a full stop I want you to immediately initiate silent mode protocol.
Understood, we are standing by for silent mode. – she acknowledged her orders before ending conversation.
Then it all happened within less than a minute. Bronar quickly pulled the impulse speed leveler all the way and guided Dragonstar’s quickly out of the view of alien vessels, stopping her right next to the Deep Space 3′ battered hull. In the end, with thruster controls he swiftly turned her in general direction of Starbase 514, finally coming to a full stop. At that same moment Dragonstar’s engineering crew activated silent mode protocols leaving only her vital areas operational while making the most of the ship appear as disabled or even abandoned.
We are at the full stop and in silent mode, mam. – Bronar notified T’Luminareth as soon as he brought the ship to a full stop and ship’s power levels along with her lighting have been reduced to a minimum.
Very well. Are there any signs of alien’s fleet activity towards us? – Vulcan asked red-haired former Borg drone.
She replied to her moment after reading sensor data from her console: Not so far.
Fine. Keep tracking them and notify me immediately if they start getting to close to our position. – T’Luminareth ordered to her while trying to hide her own apparent relief that aliens haven’t detected them yet.
Meanwhile, USS Curtana positioned herself next to the Dragonstar and went also to silent mode hiding herself from the detection of alien fleet as well.
Deep Space 3 – OPS:
This is Captain Verax from USS Dragonstar to Curtana’s away team. Please respond! – Sirius said into his communicator hoping for a response which for some unknown reason didn’t came.
After few minutes passed by, he decided on forming a backup plan and addressed his away team while keeping voice as low as possible: Damn it! It looks like we’ll have to think of something else how to get to one of those consoles and transfer necessary information from it.
A moment of silence followed before Sirius asked: So, does anyone have any ideas how to accomplish that without getting killed in the process?Lissan first responded to that, but with another question: Are there really no other places from which we could get that data?
Unfortunately, I don’t think there is. – Daniel replied to her with obvious disappointment in his voice.
Before anyone else could say anything Lissan voiced another question: And how could you possibly know about that?
Her reply came quicker then she expected: Because I worked on this class of station and I’m pretty much certain that besides from OPS you can’t get a recording from sensors unless it is being transferred manually. And before you ask me how do I know it isn’t, I’ll tell you right now that I don’t, but there are 90 percent chances that no one had time to do that, because of the apparent reasons. – Daniel said those last words by turning his head all around the place thus speaking of the initial attack and current enemy presence.
Meanwhile, M’Toui noticed something of interest while carefully pointing his flashlight around the dark room and as soon as Daniel finished he addressed Sirius: Sir, look here!
Hearing that Sirius immediately turned his head in direction of illuminated place which was just above the alien monstrosity that still haven’t noticed them (or maybe it simply ignored them for the time being). He could clearly see some sort of a huge electric junction with several big cables leading to it. What about it lieutenant?
I was thinking that if we shoot it up properly we might be able to electrocute the being thus distracting it from killing anyone who tries to get to the science console. – M’Toui tried to explain to Sirius and others since he was unable to think of anything else at the moment.
Daniel was the first to support his idea by saying: M’Toui has a good point. Through those conduits are passing millions of volts and I certainly doubt that even that creature can simply ignore or even survive such power. At the very list electrical discharges might shock it up enough to keep it preoccupied with trying to get out of the harms way instead of trying to kill us.
Well in that case I think we might pull that off. Right? – Sirius asked with a bit of excitement in his voice.
Everyone agreed with him. Some of them did that vocally, while others just shook their heads or haven’t tried anything to negate it.
Alright. Then we have agreed. – Sirius said with determination before adding: However, we should also come up with plan B, since if anything goes wrong we’ll have to leave without the information and this whole away mission would have been for nothing.
Yes, and we certainly don’t want that to happen. – Lissan agreed with him while thinking about alternative solutions for their troubles. After some time of silence and rethinking, she finally expressed her idea: Smoke grenades…, maybe?
Not bad! That should probably blind the creature sufficiently to give us some cover while we fight it and one of us is gathering the data. – Daniel logically deduced.
Having thought about it enough, just a few seconds later Sirius spoke again: Ok, it is settled then. We are going first to blow up that conduit junction. As soon as he convinced himself that everyone agrees with the plan, Sirius pointed his phaser assault rifle in direction of mentioned junction, but before he could take a shot, he felt someone’s hand on his shoulder.
No sir, I’ll do it! – M’Toui said with somewhat louder tone of his voice and then continued to explain why: My disruptor minigun is able to inflict much more damage than your rifle and will probably bring down those conduits faster.
Alright. Go ahead then lieutenant. – Sirius approved his reasoning, but just before M’Toui was going to shoot, Lissan interrupted him. No, I’ll do it. – she said while holding her Andorian version of sniper rifle. I have the most precise weapon here and it can inflict as much damage as captain’s rifle can. – Lissan explained to them.
After a moment of thinking about it, Sirius agreed with her and M’Toui right after him too.
It took several seconds for Lissan to take a good aim before she started shooting. Five precise bursts from her rifle tore a hole in the junction box and some of the cables broke out hanging right above creature. With sixth shot in one of the cable supporters said cable detached from the ceiling sufficiently enough to reach the creature and start electrocuting it. Just to be sure, Lissan shot off supporters of other adjacent cables too so that they can reach the creature too which was already screaming in pain and wriggling it’s tentacles all around uncontrollably.Now! Let’s get for what we came for! – Sirius shouted while crawling out from the jefferies tube quickly.
I’ll take care of logs transfer. – Daniel informed Sirius and quickly ran towards the science console.
Sirius just nodded to him, and started inflicting additional pain with his phaser assault rifle to the creature. Others followed his example and M’Toui even decided to throw two smoke and one photon grenade at it.
Being electrocuted and assaulted from all sides, alien has been screaming in pain heavily and soon it started swinging with it’s tentacles towards Dragonstar’s officers. And while it missed mostly, creature managed to throw Bolian female security officer at the nearest bulkhead with one of it’s large spiked tentacles.
Meanwhile, heavy fire from Dragonstar’s officers managed to cut of at least four of creature’s tentacles and severely damage both it’s body and head. Lissan even popped off some of it’s eyes with her precise shooting.Are you alright ensign? – Bajoran female medical officer approached the injured Bolian and immediately started scanning her for injuries.
It feels like a runabout landed on me, but I’ll be fine I think. – Bolian replied while trying to get up.
Don’t move! You might make the wound even worse. – Bajoran warned her and then almost instantly tapped her communicator: Lieutenant Irja to Dragonstar! We have one injured Bolian for direct beam up to sickbay.
Understood, stand by. – Riley’s voice could be heard through Irja’s communicator and after a few seconds, injured Bolian dematerialized from the area.
I’m almost done! – Daniel exclaimed as he waited for information transfer completion while taking occasional shots at the creature too.
Right after he said that, Sirius addressed his officers once again: Alright people, you’ve heard Mr. Kasparek! Hold out just a little longer and we’re hopefully out of here.
Hearing that, everyone started battling now heavily wounded creature with renewed vigor. Creature responded with kind and splashed one of the unfortunate security officers with that glowing purple liquid. His body and face simply melted away and his screaming overcome the all other sounds in the room. Everyone looked away from the scene, but they still managed to hear his horrific scream of gruesome death.
That’s it! I’m done! – Daniel’s yelling came as a sudden relief to now pretty exhausted Dragonstar’s officers. And as he detached his tricoder from the science console, all of them started backing away as far as possible from the creature.
Once they gathered close enough to each other, Sirius quickly tapped his commbadge: Sirius to Dragonstar. Beam us out, now!Before bright azure light from Dragonstar’s teleporter entangled them, creature managed to reach Sirius with one of it’s mouth-ended tentacles and tried to bite off part of his right leg. Luckily his personal shield along with armor beneath his uniform and last second beam out prevented it from doing that. All in all, he and most of his officers made it back to their ship, but their troubles still weren’t over.
Back aboard USS Dragonstar:
Teleportation was successful. As soon as they rematerialized Sirius immediately grabbed his wounded leg with his right hand.
Irja quickly approached him with her tricoder in order to examine the wound. How is it, sir? – she asked him respectfully.
It hurts like hell, but I’ll be alright. – he replied to her while stepping of the teleportation platform at the same time.
It appears some of the creature’s teeth got stuck in your skin captain! – Irja noticed during scanning him and then added: You should get to sickbay as soon as possible.
I will, but before we leave this sector and blow that dreaded station to pieces. – he replied while limping out of the transporter room, closely followed by his away team.
Suddenly Lissan stopped him and said: No sir! I will take care of that. You get that wound healed first.
Not wanting to discuss it further Sirius agreed and then left with Irja for sickbay, while Lissan and others ran to the nearest turbolift which would take them to the bridge.
As soon as Lissan, Daniel and M’Toui got out from the turbolift, T’Luminareth asked them: Where is captain?He went to sickbay since he received minor injury before teleportation. – Lissan responded to her quickly while they were taking their stations.
What kind of injury? – T’Luminareth tried to ask her, but Lissan prevented further discussion about it: We can discuss this matter later, for now lets figure out how to destroy that station without getting detected by enemy fleet.
Very well. – T’Luminareth agreed with her, while thinking of best possible way of figuring how to accomplish received orders.
Scarlett was the first to come up with suggestion: I suggest that we transport some of the transphasic mines at the several key parts of the station, and detonate them once we leave the sector.
That is a good idea. – Daniel agreed with her, and Lissan just approved it: Alright, make it so subcommander.
Acknowledged. – she simply said before tapping several commands in her console and thus beaming at least dozen of transphasic mines at different parts of Deep Space 3. Mines have been deployed. – she informed others on the bridge right after she was finished.
Excellent! Mr. Lukin, engage quantum-slipstream drive and get us out of here. – soon after Lissan gave that order to a young Cardassian at ship’s helm console, he quickly typed in several commands and pushed the QS drive leveler all the way up to the maximum setting. It took only a moment before heavily modified Sovereign class starship disappeared in bright blue quantum-slipstream tunnel leaving the now hostile area and station behind.
After just a minute of being in slipstream, Lissan finally sealed the fate of doomed station Deep Space 3 by a simple order: Mrs. T’Luminareth, you may blow up the station now.
Yes mam. – she acknowledged her order and by pressing only two commands T’Luminareth detonated the mines inside the station which was consumed in so powerful explosion that several debris stricken alien fleet. Station has been successfully destroyed. – Vulcan female said without showing any kind of emotion on her face or in her voice.
Good. What about Curtana and alien fleet? – Lissan asked and Scarlett replied her while checking information from her console: Curtana left to warp right after we left, and the enemy fleet is still gathering in the system. Also it looks like that… Hold on! – she stopped talking for a bit when she received new information from ship’s sensors. We have one smaller enemy craft in close pursuit after us. – almost instantly after she shared that information with her crew mates on the bridge, Dragonstar got shaken when alien ship hit it twice with it’s bright red beams.
It is firing on us! – T’Luminareth expressed the obvious and when Lissan decided to act, one of the turbolift’s doors opened and Sirius quickly ran out of it.
Ensign, slow us down to standard warp speed, enough so that we can quickly get behind that vessel! – he yelled that order as soon as he got out of turbolift.
Aye, sir! – Cardassian acknowledged his order and did exactly what Sirius wanted him to do.
Dragonstar slowed down almost instantly, and not having enough time to react properly alien vessel found itself right in front of them.As soon as he saw it on viewscreen, Sirius turned his head towards his tactical officer and loudly ordered to her: Mrs. T’Luminareth, fire everything we got at that ship, now!
It wasn’t long before several phaser beams and pulses from Dragonstar struck the shields of little vessel, closely followed by a salvos of both photon and quantum torpedoes from forward launchers. To add to the already impressive firepower, T’Luminareth also discharged both spinal lances on the alien ship which obliterated it’s shields completely and sent it spinning through space without control.
Small vessel only managed to once again return fire and mostly miss Dragonstar in the process, but the moment later a second salvo of quantum torpedoes blasted it to smithereens.Seeing burning debris on the viewscreen, Lissan simply concluded: It looks like that those damned creatures greatly underestimated us.
They most certainly did. – M’Toui agreed with her assessment and then Sirius spoken again: That’s right my friends. Mr. Lukin, take us back to quantum-slipstream speed.
Sorry sir, but we can’t since our QS drive needs at least next hour of cooldown. – Bronar explained to him.
Riiiight…I forgot about that. – Sirius felt a bit ashamed for not remembering that. Proceed with maximum warp then. – he said and then addresed Lissan: Mrs. Endilev, the bridge is yours. I’m going to feed my cat and then get something for drink.
With that being said, he left for the turbolift, but suddenly stopped at the door before entering and added: Those of you who were with me on station may join me in my quarters if you wish. Fot that drink I mentioned of course.It wasn’t long before Daniel and M’Toui decided to join him and before the turbolift’s doors got closed, Lissan joined them too while leaving the ship in temporary command once again to T’Luminareth. Meanwhile Dragonstar resumed her trip towards Starbase 514 which was the closest station to the place of where the unknown horror has been unleashed upon them.
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