New Problem – Blue Screen

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Main Deck New Problem – Blue Screen

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  • #153806
    Fleet Admiral
    Founder 44th Delta FleetTeam Player

    last night i kept finding myself in a blank blue screen with my crew laying on the ground. could not get out of it. tried several things. i entered a pve mission and it looked like it was working. afterwards i went back to the blue screen.

    i first started having problems while trying to do a diplomatic mission in the betreka nebula. the game shut down several times and i submitted the tickets explaining what happened when it crashed. finally just turned the game off.

    this morning i started the game and once again the blue screen and my character surrounded by dead crew. i am downloading the game hoping this will fix it.

    i was curious if anyone else has encountered this?

    Fleet Member

    I encountered this a few times yesterday or the day before (can’t remember exactly). It happened when entering one of the randomly-generated maps for an exploration tour. My character fell through blue for a long time until he hit the bottom and took a load of damage (but survived). The away team all died.

    I tried logging in and out and restarting the game, etc. No change and no “beam out” button to end the mission. However I discovered that you can escape the blue screen by entering your starship bridge and then exiting – this dropped me back into sector space.

    This seems to be a fairly widespread problem so hopefully they’ll fix it soon…

    Fleet Member

    Have you tried enabling the “force Verify” option in the STO launcher? I always do this if i run into any issues as it checks that all the game files are intact and complete. Corrupted files can lead to issues like you described but its not always the answer but a place to start!

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