Missing give away pack

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    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    Can anyone remember when and where the Federation Elite Starter pack was given away, I am sure I had an unclaimed one in my promo tab but I notice its not there anymore, I just claimed the Forged in Fire pack from steelseries on my engineer and was going to do same with the elite starter but its gone, don’t know if it expired(don’t think so) or is something else has over written it.

    I am 100% sure I had it as it had T6 Reliant in the picture, never got around claiming as my mains already have maxed out bank slots so was going to do on another toon.

    I tried looking steelseries/alienware/groupees/humble and cant  see anything, doing a google search implies  its steelseries but links go to missing page.


    Fleet Member
    Fleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Chanfron, all redeemed keys show up in arc, with a short description. When the popup box appears where you actually type the code, look at the bottom for the link. That may help you track down when you redeemed the starter pack.

    As far as I remember, there have been a number of t6 reliant + starter pack giveaways.

    The longest journey is the discovery of oneself

    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    I assume that’s in the arc client which I don’t use, my install is from the original retail DVD so I use https://www.arcgames.com/en/redeem to redeem codes, might try installing arc client but will need to backup STO in case it decides to mess with my install.


    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    Made a backup of sto folder and installed arc, it was a steelseries giveaway redeemed on 30th Jan 2020, thanks for that info about arc Shohom, I have opened a ticket with support so will see what happens.

    Fleet Member
    Fleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    I checked my arc history as well. There are a number of entries which include the starter pack. However, I remember that I got the starter pack only the first time(The inventory and bank slots). Rest of the time, I got whatever else was in the giveaway, but not the starter pack part of them. That part is basically claimable once per account unless otherwise stated.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Shohom.

    The longest journey is the discovery of oneself

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