Embassy – Romulan Consoles

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  • #153888
    Fleet Admiral
    Founder 44th Delta FleetTeam Player

    i was looking at the romulan consoles. they seem expensive for what they offer imho.

    i noticed a oouple of the more expensive ones increase threat generation by like 125%.

    i don’t get why you would want to increase your threat? I’m thinking you have a ship with lot’s of hull so you increase threat on your ship to help your team mates?

    just seems silly to me to pay for threat.

    Admiral (Retired)
    Team Player

    Some of them DECREASE threat. Good thing for escorts. The ones that increase threat are mainly for the tanks to hold aggro because tanks usually don’t do as much damage as the DPS ships. At least that’s the idea. Whether or not these consoles are effective for this purpose, I’m not sure.

    Fleet Member

    They don’t seem overcosted to me at all.

    In terms of effect, the Rom embassy consoles are ultra rare mk xii consoles, so basically very rare mk XIII consoles (+32 to a science based skill I believe, compare that to a mk xii vr sci console that will give you +30).

    This makes their science effects unique in how big of a bonus they give. On top of that, they have TWO extra effects: A proc (the plasma infused is the best in terms of value IMO), and a + or – threat.

    Unless you’re in love with field generators (and a lot of people are), they’re basically the best science based consoles you can get in the game. For this reason alone, I don’t think they’re overcosted.

    As for why you’d want + threat, if you’re an escort, then you don’t want it. If you’re selfish, you don’t want it. If you’re a tank and not selfish, you want to generate as much threat as possible, so that NPCs shoot at you. That’s fewer escorts exploding, which means more damage being done, which translates to a higher chance of STF optional success.

    That being said, I think you’d be more successful with 5 escorts/carriers 😉

    Fleet Admiral
    Founder 44th Delta FleetTeam Player

    once again, the slow learner Sargon, comes to realize his error. i now agree with Blackout, again, that the romulan embassy consoles are well worth it. my primary escorts are now loaded (sharing) with flow cap consoles. and of course the maco shield / omega set.

    as for increased threat, i’m not really selfish, but i’m not a good enough player probably to successfully increase my threat.

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