Buying pilot ships

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    Team Player

    12 February 2015 – Command ships released and at the same time there was 15% Charge Bonus Zen Sale – it lasted for 3 days, good timing if you planned to buy Command ships with your money.

    26 February 2015 – We had Ship Sale: 15% discount for Command ship and 20% for other ships – it lasted for 4 days so it was good timing if you wanted to buy them with your dilithium earned in game.

    This pattern may appear again with Pilot ships so I plan to wait until next ship sale comes. It could come really soon after release like it happened with Command ships.

    Anyone plan buying Pilot ship(s)?
    Fed Pilot ships
    Rom Pilot ships
    Kdf Pilot ships

    Fleet Member

    The science version may be the one to get. The setup and trait seem powerful. Am I going to get one? Unlikely, unless they magically fix the lag.

    "You know, I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them? So, now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe." - Marcus Cole, Babylon 5

    Fleet Member

    Honestly, I’m very much able to live with the visual lag – it’s really the input lag that’s annoying (see both copies of FAW go on cooldown w/no effect is a PITA).

    That being said, I’m likely, at the next discounted opportunity, going to get myself a Science pilot ship for both my Feddie, and my Rom. The Trait seems like it’s worthwhile (assuming that it isn’t like Armour Penetration 2% at full throttle), and it has the best layout – both boffs and Tac consoles (5 tac consoles + 4 plasma signature nullifiers = yes!). That being said, being able to stack this damage trait + AHOD + PTTM + Supremacy + full pilot tree + TBR seems like a winner (think of all those danger zone stacks b/c of TBR!). if you have the slots, add KLW and you’re doing tons of AoE Damage stacked on top of each other too (My Scimitar is salivating at this idea).

    That being said, my early thoughts on a pilot setup are:

    PT1, APB1, RWR1 (but probably FAW), RWR3 (but probably FAW)
    ST1, HE2, TBR2
    TT1, APB1
    EPTS1, A2D1
    PT1, EPTW2

    Fleet Admiral
    Founder 44th Delta FleetTeam Player

    nice post Damix and thanks for the links.

    i only have one character with a full spec tree, actually “almost” a full spec tree. Sargon is trying to finish up pilot.

    my alts are getting close to having the intel section complete and they each have 1 intel ship and i doubt they will ever make it to command and or pilot.

    i’m thinking it is probably not that important to have full spec trees, nice but not necessary. traits seem to be the thing now.

    3,000 zen is a lot. using my stipend it would take 6 months to get a ship. with the current conversion rate it would take all of my dilithium to do anything.

    i’m not crazy about escorts and since my main is a fed if i do get a pilot ship it should be for Sargon. However, i really like the looks of the kdf pilot ships, but i don’t play kdf that much.

    bottom line….no hurry. perhaps the summer event ship will be a pilot ship.

    Fleet Member

    20% ship discount active, but doesn’t look like any discount for pilot ships. I’ll take the opportunity to pick up AHOD.

    Team Player

    Anyone tried one of new Pilot traits? Is the Armor Pen good as it sounds?

    Fleet Member

    The trait scales up to +15 armour pen at ~75.00 impulse speed and scales appropriately (e.g. 0 pen at 0 speed, 5 armour pen at ~25.00 speed).

    So, if you’re in a build that has really good firing arcs, that doesn’t park and shoot (e.g. a beam cruiser), then it’s great (but you’ll likely need EPTE to get to ~75.00 in a cruiser though).

    For anything that relies on parking and shooting (like with the frontal arc) is not likely to maximize the benefit of this trait.

    Team Player

    Thanks Blackout, that will help. I never had EPTE in my builds. Will think about it until next ship sale.

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