Atmosphere Assault / Shuttle Missions

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  • #154188
    Fleet Admiral
    Founder 44th Delta FleetTeam Player

    i have been trying to drum up some interest in the atmosphere assault. it is a really challenging mission and gives you a good reason to test out your shuttle, if you have one.

    the vault shuttle event is also a good mission, but does not get a lot of attention. those that do play it or try, don’t seem to get the basic concepts. i still like trying it once in awhile just for the change of pace.

    things i have learned playing atmosphere assault:

    accuracy is a big plus. i have switched to accx3 disruptor beams. good choice i think.
    the borg tractor beam does really good damage to walkers.
    the refracting tetryon cascade works very well (nukura T5).

    if you would like to try either of these let me know i would be happy to join. i usually have to PUG these so rewards are low. i think with the fleet we could max out. i don’t really do them for rewards so much as the challenge and something different.

    see you in space.

    Fleet Member

    I’m always looking for an easy way to get more marks. My Delta did pretty well on that last run we did. I’m in.

    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    I took a few minutes and setup my orion tac with a borg set (xi) and hyper/fleet plasma torp along with an aceton assimilator… 😈 might actually be a little fun with all that!

    Fleet Member

    If you have access to it, the point defense console is great for killing small craft, and so is BFAW.

    Fleet Admiral
    Founder 44th Delta FleetTeam Player

    well with the fleet it seemed pretty easy. same with the vault. a few of us did these recently. seems like the biggest issue was low rewards.

    point defense is a good idea. i am drawning a blank on the name of it, but the weapon you get completing nukura rep works very well too.

    Fleet Member

    Yeah. 15 Rom marks for completing the vault was.. disappointing.

    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    Refine the marks to dilithium and you get 150! hrm… this and the vault were both very underwhelming, although moderately interesting. Might consider when bored, but I gots lots to do kitting out my new(ish) and oh so OP romulans.

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