Our Fleet › Forums › Public Lounge › Recruitment Academy › Application for Grenn
August 15, 2012 at 8:10 pm #153579
GuestMain character’s name: Rissi@Grenn
Real Name: Steve
Age: 28
Location (at least time zone): Chicago
Are you Silver/gold/ or Lifetime?: Silver
Tell us about yourself: I started playing STO about 2 years ago when subscriptions were still ongoing. I have not been with a fleet yet, though I have an Engineering VADM, a Science VADM (my main) and a random Tactical character at Lt. Cmdr. I also have 2 Klingon characters, but I have not done much with them. I have recently started doing more of the PVE missions, and with the new fleet changes, it seems like a great time to find out how much fun a fleet can be. I recently got a friend into STO as well, so hopefully he can find a place here too.
Why did you choose the Mighty 44th: It looks like a nice relaxed and fun place without a lot of useless people with titles that mean nothing. Some people need to realize that and get over themselves.
Have you read the rules: Yes
Are you willing to use Teamspeak?: yes
August 15, 2012 at 8:18 pm #156280Greetings, and thanks for applying.
We will get you a fleet invite shortly. In the meantime, please read this thread with more info about the fleet including how to join the private fleet channel:
http://startrek.44thfleet.com/forum/index.php?f=12&t=30&rb_v=viewtopicLook forward to seeing you online.
EDIT: Invite sent
August 15, 2012 at 8:19 pm #156281Oh, and if you give us the names of your alts, we can get them added too.
August 15, 2012 at 5:09 am #156282Grenn
My alts are:
Engineer VAdm: Grenn@Grenn
Tactical LtCmdr: Threll@GrennThe Engineer was my original, so she has a lot of items you need to buy now. Heck, she got a tactical refit defiant with a cloak for free, heh. Way back when RAdm and VAdm gave you a new free ship. 😛
I never trained her right.. so she kind of sits there looking cool in a Sovereign. The tac is a guy I am working on for of course…. pure damage. Though my science VAdm is pretty good at damage too, heh.
August 15, 2012 at 10:45 am #156283welcome aboard. look forward to seeing you around.
August 15, 2012 at 12:50 pm #156284Got your alts invited. Did you say you have a klingon? We have a klink fleet too.
August 16, 2012 at 4:41 pm #156285Grenn
GuestI have 2 Klingons actually, one I use more then the other, but here they are.
Captain Engineer: Noliash@Grenn (Gorn!)
Commander Tactical: Thopak@Grenn (Klink!)
Also, could I impose on you for a forum name change? I’d rather it be the name of my account “Grenn” then the “Rissi” that it currently is. Just makes more sense, plus its something I’ve used before. 🙂
August 17, 2012 at 11:28 pm #156286Welcome!
August 17, 2012 at 2:10 am #156287Wasn’t able to invite Thopak. Spelled correctly? Or is there a space in the middle of the name?
August 18, 2012 at 10:56 pm #156288Grenn
GuestDoh, its actually Thopok@Grenn
Heh… shows how often I use him. He’s actually just kind of there… I use Noliash far more. I like Engineering, and the Gorn, so.. he’s my main KDF character. 🙂
Thanks for the forum name change too! 🙂
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