The Vault

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  • #153463
    Fleet Admiral
    Founder 44th Delta FleetTeam Player

    so how many times have you done the vault? i figure i have done it at least 20 times or i should say hours, since i squeeze 4 or 5 runs per hour. i now understand the term “grind”. i hope the fully upgraded reman set it worth it.

    i’m amazed at how many players do not even try to get the objectives. have you noticed that?

    i don’t always win in the vault. oddly enough, i lose more often when big ships are present. how do they get those big ships in there in the first place???

    the vault is the only place i get to use my small shlps anyway, so i am not really interested in going in there with a cruiser. i can use those anytime.

    i need 27 more datalogs…..ugh. i also learned that the upgrade by your engineer or science officer is not always successful and you lose datalogs, so more grind.

    i know it is sad, but i got up at 6am to play the vault yesterday and 7am to play it today. Looking forward to retiring from the vault.

    Admiral (Retired)
    Team Player

    I pretty much say the same thing… ugh.

    Done probably 60-70 times here. Have purple XII engines and purple XII deflector. Just cant bring myself to grind out another 30 datalogs, mainly because it’s unlikely that I will actually USE the set. Plus, with a limited amount of playtime, been putting my main efforts at getting the STF ground sets (for the costume unlock mainly), and at accumulating stuff for the starbases. I might consider starting the grind back up if there is nothing else to do.

    Oh, and the big ship exploit is fixed on Tribble.

    Fleet Admiral
    Founder 44th Delta FleetTeam Player

    at lunch today i managed to get in 2 rounds on the vault (advantage to working near home; an 8 minute commute) and got datalogs both times. i was able to start the engine upgrade with my science officer. now 20 more datalogs to do the final upgrade on shields. if either of these 2 upgrades do not succeed the first time around i may go off the deep end. tired….of….the….vault.

    Fleet Admiral
    Founder 44th Delta FleetTeam Player

    well the vault is more miserable than ever. seems like no one knows how to do it anymore, well maybe one out of 10 does. 10 stinking datalogs and i am done forever.

    Admiral (Retired)
    Team Player

    I would give you what I have if I could.

    Fleet Admiral
    Founder 44th Delta FleetTeam Player

    well thanks anyway. i now need 7 datalogs. people are still trying to sneak in big ships which is really messing with the mission. the big ship or ships are thrown out and you don’t have a full 5 for the mission, so you have to bail and try again to get 5. at least the time out penalty does not apply in this case.

    evidence above i posted earlier (before season 6) about losing more often with big ships. now that big ships can’t get in it is worse than ever, but i think it is psychological. what really hurts is other players count on someone else to get the objectives and they give up early on killing the enemy. i have lost several vaults by seconds because the players “relax” and quit destroying enemy ships right at the very end.

    once i have upgaded my reman set to 12 i will go back more often to IGE for more torture. i must be a masochisist. cure space in PUGs would also indicate i must need torment and abuse.


    Admiral (Retired)
    Team Player

    @Sargon wrote:

    once i have upgaded my reman set to 12 i will go back more often to IGE for more torture. i must be a masochisist. cure space in PUGs would also indicate i must need torment and abuse.

    We should run through IGE with you a few times. Once you get used to it, it becomes very easy. In fact, last night, me, Yuri, and Noraal did a PUG through ‘normal’ Infected (Both Yuri and Noraal needed the accolade for completing the optional objectives). Wow.. so easy. We basically 3-man it. The 2 pugs were dying/respawing constantly, and crossing the trigger lines. But we did it despite that. We even had 1 team wipe because they crossed the trigger line before any of the mobs were killed. Half way through, we realized that we were better off not rezzing the pugs. We just let them wait on respawn timer. We even locked them out of the mini-boss room, and killed Manus with just the 3 of us. Of course they die in Rebecca room, and respawn outside. It was actually better that way. She went down easy with just us 3. Got the optional completed too. Afterwards, its was like… LOL – really?

    Fleet Admiral
    Founder 44th Delta FleetTeam Player

    the final countdown begins. 5 reman datalogs to go. i think there is a vault later tonight, so i hope to get 2 or 3. by the weekend i hope to have the fully upgraded set.

    it seems people are starting to adjust to the season 6 vault and the win rate is getting better or i have just been lucky in PUGs.

    And on the comment above i would be happy to run some IGEs with you all. the first time i went through with the 44th we won, but no PSG. 🙁

    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    I’ve never even done the vault… haha! /clueless

    Fleet Admiral
    Founder 44th Delta FleetTeam Player

    the only reason to run the vault prior to season 6 was to get datalogs to upgrade the reman space set to mk 12. i think the reman set has potential. now you can also get dilithium by running the vault, but there are certainly better ways to get dilithium.

    in the vault you must use a shuttle or fighter. my preference is the peregrine fighter. if you have a good team you can knock out a round in under 15 minutes and you must be done basically in that amount of time. with a bad team you can range anywhere from not even getting the first objective to losing by mere seconds. the ones you lose by 2 or 3 seconds are the most aggravating.

    it takes 96 datalogs to upgrade to mk12 and not every upgrade is always successful. i have probably ran the vault 100 times or more or around 25 hours give or take. and yes….i;m sick of it. i need 5 more and should get 2 or 3 tonight. hoping to be done by the end of the weekend at the latest.

    Fleet Admiral
    Founder 44th Delta FleetTeam Player

    once again the vault was a total mess last night. everyone set up front while i tried to get the objectives with BOPs all over me. after losing the 3rd round when i started round 4 i stated i was not getting any objectives. i just killed enemy ships and we actually won that round with a few seconds to spare. it was so close. i now need 4 datalogs and was hoping to get some at noon today, but now the server is down.

    did i mention i am sick of the vault?

    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    Just got a P fighter yesterday so now I HAVE to learn this one…

    Fleet Admiral
    Founder 44th Delta FleetTeam Player

    maybe later we can run a few together and i can show you the ropes. key items; wipe out enemy fast, get objectives fast. sounds easy doesn’t it?

    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    @Sargon wrote:

    maybe later we can run a few together and i can show you the ropes. key items; wipe out enemy fast, get objectives fast. sounds easy doesn’t it?


    Fleet Admiral
    Founder 44th Delta FleetTeam Player

    if maintenance is done in time there is a vault at noon today. i plan to be there.

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