Forum Replies Created
January 23, 2021 at 10:20 pm #430859
Random thought about romulan captains: what if Tovan Khev dies? You can’t discard this BOff.
If he dies, just don’t use him.
aka @xaxial#0851
January 22, 2021 at 8:03 pm #430833Dex: If you can craft it, it is allowed. If you have to buy it, not allowed. Even if something is sold by NPCs, if YOU craft it, you can give it to the challenge character. Yes this does include specializations. course, you have to LIVE long enough to use them, MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Dex: As for upgrades, of course! The catch tho, is you can only use them to upgrade ship components while in a shipyard type place, (Klingon Shipyard, ESD, DS9, ect). Ground can be upgraded any time.
Evan: Think of it like this, anything that can be “unnatural” or “not cannon” is out. so Red Angel suit has to be banned cause, in essence, it can give you or Boff unlimited lives. And while i am sure medical advances are huge in the future, i doubt even 25th century science can bring you back from a phaser blast to the face. So ya, regardless of accessible abilities and items, if you/boff die, game over.
aka @xaxial#0851
January 21, 2021 at 7:38 pm #430801Obituary written, rest in peace(s)
aka @xaxial#0851
January 19, 2021 at 9:56 pm #430776Evan. In order.
1. Yes
2. Also correct on both halves
3. Yes, as long as you did not buy it off the Exchange, Zen store, Lobi, you can gift what ever you want. You can upgrade or customize the items as long as you made it.
4. Consumables are ok IF YOU CRAFT THEM. otherwise, your challenge character has to buy them with EC you earn.
5. Correct. It has to be EXP from a mission or side quest. TFOs are ok too since you run a much higher risk of death but hey, if that is your shtick
6. The rules are simply at least normal. If you want to further challenge yourself with advanced or elite, then be my guest. as long as you keep it at a minimal of Normal, the rules are satisfied
aka @xaxial#0851
January 19, 2021 at 7:35 pm #430773We must change ship equipment only on ESD or other stations qualify too?
Only in places that do “repair” work or “outfit”
Examples include ESD, DS9, Fleet Starbase, KDF Shipyard, ect.
aka @xaxial#0851
January 18, 2021 at 2:22 pm #430762Confirmations: * Recruitment gains are somewhere between power leveling and gear reclaim. Gear reclaim appears to be approved in this ruleset (using any gear) but how would you align recruitment claims? * Due to the base restrictions, is it fair to assume that this is a 1-ship-trait-from-ship-mastery maximum? (As it precludes changing ships, this would presumably also mean no temporary swapping). Should this also disallow account-wide ship traits (legendary ships) or leave those as an available option?
If it gives you exp or a pool of bonus exp, it’s a no no. you can reclaim any gear and/or traits you want but you cannot reclaim EC bonuses or EXP for your character level.
Yes, you cannot just swap ships to unlock masteries. However, if you can unlock a starship trait without swapping ships, that is ok. IE,tyou unlock “The Best Defence” from the House Pegh mission or if you have a spare onboard dilithium recrystalizer and you give it to your character, that is fine too. The catch is, you cannot buy ANYTHING from the exchange for the challenge character unless it is with EC that character has earned without outside assistance.
aka @xaxial#0851
January 17, 2021 at 2:15 pm #430732Captain Name: Dan
Date Created: 17Jan2021
Race/Gender: Alien/Male
Ship Name and Class: USS Gerald R. Ford NCC-201778 Vizier Class Command Assault Cruiser
Faction: Federation/ Present day
aka @xaxial#0851