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    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    Welcome back from me too! 🙂

    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    So how do you like a new season so far? I think it is even better than the first one and this last episode was really amazing. Especially that ending with proto-Julie and Miller.

    Also, in second episode there was an awesome battle:

    Can’t wait for more 🙂

    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    I really hope that those are not Klingons will be seeing in new Trek. And yeah, they look more like a Xindi reptilians than Klingons. Hopefully they are just another race in new Trek.

    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    How much molecules it took to get that number of upgrades? Is over 1000? All in all that is really impressive! I don’t think I’ll reach something like that, but I’ll try to get as close as I can before the event ends.

    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    Glad that I’m not the only one here liking this show 🙂

    Anyway, when it comes to books, it’s totally different case with Expanse than with most of other adaptions. What I mean by that is that show doesn’t greatly differ from what I’ve read in books (at least that could be said for first season), but it only includes some minor changes which fitted in quite nicely. So it is definitely worth reading the books too.

    And yes, I agree about that ‘real life’ in space thing, as this could be the closest possible future to current state of humanity and technology. Although when it comes to latter I do think there is more place for improvement.

    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    So it’s been a year since first season of this great show ended and left us at a huge cliffhanger, but now it’s finally coming back in a few days (season 2 starts with February 1th). If you haven’t already seen season 1, I recommend you to do so now that you still have time before season 2 starts. It has only ten episodes so far and it is great for binge watching.

    Here are some trailers for season 2:

    And one that will be bring you up to speed in case you haven’t saw season 1 already (which you definitely should):

    I’m seriously hyped when it comes to this series as I have read all of the books this show is based on, and they are really a great read. Actually I started recently 6th book which got out at the beginning of December and so far I can say that its quality remains on the level with previous books. So yeah, besides recommending to watch show, I’m also recommending to read the books too as they are also awesome.

    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    @Jado wrote:

    For some reason this defaults to an unreadable font color on my computer? So anyway, what I said in brief was: this is a great idea and I’m looking forward to reading more stories here. 😀

    Well yeah, I would be very glad to continue writing it, but most of the others lost interest or inspiration. And if I would write it alone, it would be pointless to classify it as RPG anymore. However, I will keep in mind this storyline for my future fan fiction book writing. So yeah, there will be more, but the only question is when. It might take a while since I’m working on the two other stories too.

    Fleet Member
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    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    Now this is sweet! New systems seems more simplified and ground and space skills will be finally separated as it should have been from the start. Also the beams and cannons won’t be so unbalanced anymore. I think this will be very good change. And besides that I was already thinking about respecing some of my characters in near future, and now I’ll be able to do it for free so it’s a win-win scenario for me 😎

    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    @Jalification wrote:

    @Sovereign47 wrote:

    Wait, how have you fixed game from crashing every 10/15 minutes? I still have that annoying problem so I would appreciate help.

    I’ve put reduced file streaming on; in the advanced options tab.

    Yeah, well I have already tried that, but it seems it doesn’t works for me.

    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    Wait, how have you fixed game from crashing every 10/15 minutes? I still have that annoying problem so I would appreciate help.

    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    Well since Sovereign is one of the last iconic ship that haven’t underwent T6 retrofit I’m certain they will release her soon (somewhere around summer I presume). The only other two canon ships that haven’t got their T6 variants are Nebula and Nova, and I don’t think they would prioritize those besides Sovereign which is last in the line of Enterprises (if we don’t count alternate universe Connies).

    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    Flagships are nice, but I’m skipping them in favor of T6 Sovereign class. I’ve been waiting on that ship for over a year now and I think I can wait a little longer. Now that the flagships are out, I’m hoping that T6 Sovereign gets released soon and her fleet version as well :mrgreen:

    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    Welcome back! I’m having the same trouble as you, but I’m trying to fix it and hopefully will find solution soon, or I might be gone as well, because recently the crashes are happening to frequently in short period of time (like 1 crash every 30 minutes or so). So I understand what are you going through and wish us luck both.

    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    @Damix wrote:

    I noticed it and plan to watch after currently running seasons of The Shanara Chronicles, X-Files, The Flash and Arrow are finished. It will be too much if I add another one. 🙂

    Well take your time, as the first season is almost over and then comes a long time of waiting on a next one (I hate that part). But I must point out that this is a must see for every big SF fan as the show is really great and something we have been waiting a long time for (pretty much since they cancelled SGU). Besides Expanse I will also suggest Dark Matter and Killjoys if you haven’t watched them already, because those are also decent new SF shows. Well, maybe they aren’t on a level with Expanse, but they are still very good and potentially they have a big chance to become as good as Stargate/Battlestar Galactica/some other good big SF shows was for example.

    All in all this year will be great as we have 3 good new SF shows (The Expanse (I don’t know why, but sometimes I misread this as sexpanse 😆 ), Dark Matter and Killjoys) and there are those less SF shows that I’m watching like The Walking Dead, The Last Ship and The Strain. And then next year will be even better, because beside those we are also getting a new Trek series 😀 😀 😀
    The only thing I feel sorry about is that they haven’t renewed Defiance for another season, but at least it had a decent ending unlike Stargate Universe.

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