Thanks for the update on what’s going on
Thanks for the info. Very helpful. I’ve leveled up a fair amount, about to hit max. I’ll update what I have again. I went with engineer and a cruiser because of being new I thought maybe being on the tankier side would help. I clearly have some stuff I need to improve a lot. Like I said before (I think…) theres a lot to STO, but I am enjoying it and learning.
Thanks Anukis. Your input does help.
I’m also really close to being able to get a T6 ship.
Post your ship build here on the forum under Make sure to check out the cookie-cutter build setup for Tier 4 ships under (scroll down). Post your ships equipment/weapons, bridge officer stations, your traits and Space Duty Officers, and we will help you with a good setup. Don’t worry too much though: Tier 4 and Tier 5 ships you will discard eventually with (much) better Tier 6/Fleet Tier 6 ships with Mk XV weapons/kit – you get a few free ones as you play. We will help you explaining how to craft your own Purple/Very Rare quality weapons/shields which is surprisingly cheap and murderously effective. This is unfortunately not comunicated well (or at all) in the game.
Thanks! I should have added that I am still really enjoying STO, just with things like Duty Officers, Admiralty, and stuff like that I am somewhat lost with what to do. I’ll post my ship build shortly. Definitely need help with that. When I first started looking at and play STO I didn’t realize how involved it was. Not that that’s a bad thing, there is just a lot to learn.
Thanks for the welcomes!
Thank you!