The Trouble With Tribbles

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Main Deck The Trouble With Tribbles

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  • #153700
    Fleet Admiral
    Founder 44th Delta FleetTeam Player

    i had been hoarding food items, like heart of targ for example, for various projects.

    i went into my inventory to find every empty slot filled with a tribble. my food was about all gone.

    i guess in shuffling items around i left a couple tribbles in my inventory. lesson learned. double check for tribbles.

    typically i keep tribbles in my account bank to avoid this situation.

    i need to research to see just what is the point in breeding tribbles. is there some big reward or accolade if you breed them all for example.

    Admiral (Retired)
    Team Player

    Different tribbles just give you different buffs. The hard to breed ones give you higher or more buffs.

    Fleet Member

    In all honesty, even if it is only tribble reproduction, it’s nice to know that the developers of STO really did get one thing absolutely accurate.

    aka @sabreoneone

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