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October 10, 2012 at 10:52 am #153650
i’m sure many of you are tired of hearing about me being over budget on this free to play game. well i did it again.
i could not pass up the lifetime sale. i should have done that when i first started. just the increase in inventory space was about worth it. other nice benefits. i must have had 2 or 3 dozen accolades pop up after the purchase.
i also got ship slots, so now all i need is a temporal ship…
overall happy so far with the lifetime deal. i would highly recommend while it is on sale.
October 10, 2012 at 12:31 pm #156646PWE took my money too.
Now I have too many ship slots, and not enough ships… I also can’t be bothered to reclaim the other ships that I bought. Perhaps I’ll fill them with Fleet ships.
I need to make a decision on which VA Klingon ship to get. B’rel or KarFi? Kar Fi does so much damage, but the B’rel is canon, and I do so like canon ships.
I also have 2 more character slots. I guess I can farm another 4k Dilithium a day? I guess I’ll make a pair of Klingons then since they start at a higher level, and I think have almost immediate access to Investigate Officer reports.
I have yet to put the Veteran hull material on a ship… I’ll have to see.
October 10, 2012 at 1:04 pm #156647I have B’rel on one, and Kar’fi on another. Problem solved. 🙂
I’m also using the Peghu (sp?) on my Tac. A lot more hull than my bop, and that disruptor lotus is pretty nice. Can’t turn quite as well, but still can out maneuver any fed cruiser. And I don’t have to give up battle cloak either.
Yess. Come to the dark side. Join us in Kerrat as a Klink.
October 10, 2012 at 1:07 pm #156648my poor klingons live in poverty compared to the feds. i remember the first time i saw the karfi. it was in pvp totally borged out and it totally demolished me repeatedly like i was nothing. i had no idea what type of ship it was at the time, but i wanted one. i always want. 🙂
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