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  • #153857
    Fleet Admiral
    Founder 44th Delta FleetTeam Player

    redshirtjohnson’s survey made no sense to me. why a 44th Romulan legion?? now i see why. the big forum is a buzz with all kinds of speculation concerning romulan factions, ships, missions, etc.

    they keep trying to think of ways to get me to spend money. Sargon’s latinum is locked away tight. it would take something fanstastic for me to start spending.

    looking forward to season 8 for sure though.

    Admiral (Retired)
    Team Player

    What ever happened to finishing the Klingon faction? I have serious doubts about a Romulan faction. I would certainly welcome it if it were done right, but I find it hard to believe they would have enough content for an entire faction when the KDF only has enough content to be a “half-faction” where you start at level 20. The only way I see this possible is if they make some of the existing content (ie featured episodes) part of the leveling arc. Either that, or there has to be some other catch.

    Fleet Member

    Given that Cryptic has, on multiple occasions, stated that they would “finish” the KDF storyline before making a Romulan one, it’ll be a mini faction at best (like, you can import a lvl 50 character to the Rom “faction”).

    Either way. I’m not particularly enthused, but I might change my mind.

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