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November 18, 2012 at 11:22 pm #153734
i use to think lag was just an elaborate excuse for doing bad or not wanting to jump in IGE. one day i was running forward and then i would be at the starting point and take off a very fast speed. i learned about rubber banding and lag the hard way. it kept getting worse.
today i checked the plug in thing that has a connection for the phone and DSL. i had horrible lag. i took that thing off and just plugged directly in to the wall. it worked a little better but the lag was still horrible. i figured i needed a new thing with the phone and dsl connection. got one at radio shack for $23 with tax. it did not help.
i ran diagnostics and it indicated that the problem was with my modem, so i got a new modem ($50), which came with the thing i just bought. 😈 i got a “new gear” modem and hooked it up. every thing is working great now.
this all started when i was trying to load up my red matter capacitor. totally locked up while i was loading that, really bad, and i expected problems, but all is well now.
just something to consider if lag and other problems are driving you nuts.
November 18, 2012 at 6:11 am #157054Some modems have custom firmware and a second firewall that will have problems with online gameing. My modem used to reset every 5mins, becuase the 2nd firewall didnt like something sto was sending to me. But I fixed it after 48 hours of troubleshooting and I still have lag spikes every 5mins. Yeah I’m lazy and still havent called my isp to get a new modem. 😛
December 16, 2012 at 6:02 pm #157055http://www.netindex.com/quality/2,1/United-States/
You can also check here, this shows you statistical information about internet connection quality by state and ISP, so perhaps you have a badly rated ISP with dodgy infrastructure on their end – perhaps you can change if you see one that is better in your area, or sadly, perhaps your whole state is stuck in the duldrums (sorry Alaska!)
and don’t forget it’s always good to run http://www.pingtest.net/ to check your actual line quality – here’s mine today;
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