Ground Missions need YOU!

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    Fleet Admiral
    Founder 44th Delta FleetTeam Player

    i like to spread my time around in STO to keep it interesting. i have trouble recruiting for ground missions. i know a lot of the fleet members don’t care for ground. the STF ground missions are pretty tough, in particular cure and infected. khitomer elite is farily easy.

    for those that don’t like these ground STFs or someone that would like to learn ground, defera is a great place to start. 3 levels of missions, easy, med & hard. if you are into accolades defera has many to offer. also, much loot drops in defera, so you can fill your inventory fast. nothing major typically, but easy ECs.

    mine trap is another good ground mission with nice rewards if you do well. no great skill required here, but it is a good mission with a goal.

    last night we got a team together for a hive ground, just the normal, very challenging but we thought it was a lot of fun. the final room had a very challenging borg boss and i was surprised to see an assimilated gorn. the borg queen or whatever in the last room was pretty freaky. hoping to do the normal a couple more times before trying the elite ground hive.

    i would welcome you on a team anytime and don’t care if you have great ground skills or not. i don’t, but i manage to do okay. and a good weapon and good set, like omega 12, does help. practice makes perfect.

    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    Refer to Lat’s STO forum post: ground is on posts 4+5. Great intro’s to STFs and ground a little bit as well but doesn’t have any Hive info. There is a link for more advanced strategies as well.

    I get bored doing the same space STF’s, and ground at times gives a nice change-up and actually look forward to it at times. I don’t really like Defera that much, guess I don’t understand the mission there. Was fun learning hive ground, although learning that the floor will 1 shot you was a hard lesson LOL. Now that we know to get out of the way, getting the optional on normal shouldn’t be too much a challenge.

    Fleet Member

    Had great fun on Defera with Sargon, Tinz and Dagar the other day. Did several missions which I would have never done on my own. That I think is the crux of the matter; being in a team means your more likely to have a go at certain missions.

    aka @sabreoneone

    Fleet Admiral
    Founder 44th Delta FleetTeam Player

    last night, Roland, Zelda, Raven, me and some good player from another fleet…Zig, absolutely nailed a cure ground elite. i think a couple people had not played it in a long time or it was their first time.

    typically i don’t like doing cure ground without a good sci officer, but we managed with 3 tacs and 2 engs.

    i like the variety in the game and hope to do more ground missions within the fleet. i would like to get all optionals on ground missions and still want to finish terradome. never got past sulu there.

    i would also like to do the hive ground and space more. the hive space is getting pretty easy to beat. i have beat the ground normal, but have not even tried elite yet.

    anytime i have a ground mission started i welcome anyone to join even if it is your first time.

    Admiral (Retired)
    Team Player

    Also, the Big Dig fleet action can be pretty fun too. A quick 10 minute run with a good team, and in combination with the Daily, will net you 1640 dilithium, 50 fleet marks, and a shot a purple ground drop.

    Cure ground is getting pretty easy now, especially with everyone getting those new passives in the rep system. If you have 3 tacs running omega gear with gambling device an pulsewaves, Armek goes down fast. One run I did recently, he only stopped to talk once before he went bye bye.

    Fleet Admiral
    Founder 44th Delta FleetTeam Player

    Lat makes a good point. i really like the “vertical” aspect of the big dig. you would have to see it to appreciate it. this ground game goes very fast and you will be lucky to get in on killing the fek’ihri demon. that thing is huge.

    Fleet Member

    only times i tried Big Dig, it was infernal where we got to the force fields artifacts part. things respawn so fast in there, and ther’s so much aggro, i can’t help myself to go down there again.

    Fleet Member

    I’m up for ground STFs anytime. If you’re on and want to do one I’d be happy to join. I’m not the most experienced ground pounder but I have all of the mark XII rep ground sets and stocked with regens. Plus I still need all the normal ground optionals plus 2 elites (thanks for that KAGE run Lat). So pretty much like space ill join your ground stf anytime.

    Always happy to serve the 44th

    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    And we look super cool when we do ground;

    We explore strange new worlds – and then we dance!

    Admiral (Retired)
    Team Player

    Also, how would you like to increase your damage, and at the same time take less damage? You can improve your ground game significantly by making use of aim and crouch. “Aim” gives 33% increased ranged damage (press ‘X’). “Crouch” gives you 50% chance to dodge an attack. What is dodge? Dodge gives you 50% damage reduction. So crouching (press ‘C’) gives you 50% chance to take only half the damage. There is a keybind that let’s you bind crouch and aim to the same ‘X’ key.

    /bind X ” crouch 1 $$ aim 2 “

    A few caveats when using this bind.
    1) This is for RPG mode. Not sure if it works in shooter mode. If you really want to be proficient in ground, you should learn to use RPG mode. RPG mode is the only mode where you can run in a different direction from the direction you are shooting. Plus it is the only mode where you can see the radius of a grenade being thrown at you.

    2) Make sure in your control settings that Aim Toggle is ‘on’.

    3) Make sure in your control settings that Zoom camera when aiming is ‘off’

    4) When using this bind, you will both crouch and aim when you press ‘x’. However, if you start moving, you will no longer crouch, but you will still be aiming (except you will be standing and aiming). If you then press ‘x’ again, you will crouch, but you will toggle the aim off. So i recommend that if you ever move after pressing x, you should sprint a little bit. Sprinting will reset both aim and crouch.

    Fleet Member

    I must be misinterpreting “run in a different direction from the direction you are shooting”

    I can circle strafe in shooter mode, and go backwards with my crosshair on target?

    Admiral (Retired)
    Team Player

    @Blackout wrote:

    I must be misinterpreting “run in a different direction from the direction you are shooting”

    I can circle strafe in shooter mode, and go backwards with my crosshair on target?

    I guess what I mean is that I can view where I am backing up to. I can automatically stay on and shoot my target while moving backwards, and my camera angle allows me to see behind me at the same time.

    Fleet Member

    @Latinumbar wrote:

    @Blackout wrote:

    I must be misinterpreting “run in a different direction from the direction you are shooting”

    I can circle strafe in shooter mode, and go backwards with my crosshair on target?

    I guess what I mean is that I can view where I am backing up to. I can automatically stay on and shoot my target while moving backwards, and my camera angle allows me to see behind me at the same time.

    Ahh. Fair enough. I’m going to say that I don’t think I’m going to give up shooter mode very easily though. Decades (and I mean decades) of playing PC FPS games (like Wolfenstein 3d, Doom, Half Life Counterstrike, all the way to Battlefield 3) make shooter mode my natural preference on the ground, and give me a spacial awareness that lets me know what’s behind me without actually seeing what’s behind me. I’ll have to reconsider RPG mode for the grenade radius (although I usually just roll when I see a grenade).

    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    RPG mode is for sissies! I am like Blackout in this and wish there were a bonus for actually aiming instead of an aimbot but until then…

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