Application for Ryia

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application for Ryia

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  • #154398
    Fleet Member

    Main character’s name: Ryia@Ryia

    Real Name (first name only): Eric

    Age: 30

    Location (at least time zone): PST

    Alt character names (and please indicate Fed or KDF): Cara (Fed); Sapphire (Fed)

    Are you Silver/gold/ or Lifetime?: Silver, former subscriber

    Tell us about yourself (trek/game history, whatever you want us to know about you): Well, game history is pretty short. I pre-ordered the game back when it came out years ago. I believe I had a six month subscription at the time, but as with many early launches, I was quickly disappointed with the lack of content. I kind of forgot about the game for many years until a friend of mine started playing it. I decided to join him and found myself pleased with the new content. I guess four years is a long time to make new stuff. 😆

    As for myself, I’m 30 years old. I work in IT at a small, mostly workers comp company of about 80 people or so. I’ve been a huge fan of Star Trek since I was little. I’m actually in the middle of watching the different series in chronological order. I just finished All Good Things from TNG as of last night.

    Why did you choose the Mighty 44th: I’m looking for a mature group of players that still knows how to have fun. As I’ve just started playing again, I’m a bit behind of some of the game mechanics and your group looked friendly enough to help me relearn or guide me through some of the new concepts or just things I’ve forgotten. I like that your group as been around for a while now as that tells me it is fairly stable. And lastly, it looks like a decent size group of people without me getting lost as just another face.

    Have you read the rules (the rules and regulations are located under the ‘About Us’ tab at the top): I have.

    Are you willing to use Teamspeak?: Sure.

    Admiral (Retired)
    Team Player


    Thanks for applying to the 44th. Your invites have been sent to 2 of your toons, but the third one said it was already part of a fleet. We can get your toon invited (Cara) as soon as she leaves the other fleet. Please see this thread on how to join the private fleet channel.

    Welcome aboard.

    Stone Gold
    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    Welcome Ryia! Look forward to seeing you in game.

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