Application for Landural

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application for Landural

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  • Author
  • #438100
    Fleet Member
    • Real name: Richard
    • Age: 41
    • Location: Arizona, soon to be Nebraska
    • Characters:
    • Falacia Malanis@Landural#8581 (Fed)
    • Previous fleets: I can’t remember. It’s been too long. Only been in one. However, no longer part of it due to not playing for a long time.
    • Why join the Mighty 44th? I’ve been missing being part of a community of gamers. I was part of TAW for when I was playing PUBG a lot and ran the PUBG NA group until it’s disbandment. I really enjoy being a part of something and playing with people who enjoy the same things I do. I love Star Trek and enjoy the online game. Figured finding people that also play and not playing by myself is more fun.
    • Tell us about yourself: I have vast MMO experience. Started back in World of Warcraft. I play a lot of Final Fantasy XIV. I enjoy Star Wars Online. And love the stories of Star Trek. My character is level 30. Since it has been a while, I’ll need to refresh how to play it. I’m a gamer through and through. But I also have a busy life with my wife and two step kids. They’re the world to me and I always say that family is more important. So I do tend to take breaks to spend time with family. I work full time in a regular Monday through Friday 7 to 2:30 type situation. Desk job, but it’s enjoyable. Please let me know if you have any questions for me.
    • Do you accept the rules and regulations? Yes
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Gallifrey Captain. Reason: entered character name and faction
    Gallifrey Captain
    Team Player

    Hi Richard,

    I found one character under that handle, Falacia Malanis@Landural#8581 and have sent an invite to that character. Please let us know the names of any other characters you have in game and their faction. I’ve edited your application to reflect the character above. You can write a response here on this site and/or via in game mail to R’ani@gallifreycaptain#2621 (for me). Thanks and welcome to the fleet.

    #2621 (aka Galli)



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