Application for Kazak

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application for Kazak

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  • Author
  • #437751
    Fleet Member
    • Real name: Rob
    • Age: 56
    • Location: Northern California [PDT]
    • Characters: Kazak@robbiewan (Fed)
    • Previous fleets: none
    • Why join the Mighty 44th? I’ve been playing mostly solo for a while now and have almost worked through all the story content available. I’m getting ready to acquire a T6 ship and want access to TFO and end-game content only available to fleet members; and possibly to fleet ships as well. I started playing STO a couple of months ago because a friend was looking for enough people to start a small fleet, but we never got there. So here I am.
    • Tell us about yourself: I’m a fat old nerd who remembers ST:ToS when it was in syndication and has hungrily eaten up all the Star Trek franchise’s broadcast media (though I haven’t delved into novels yet). Recently went back and watched through all the main programs – TOS, TNG, DS9, Enterprise, Voyager. Was pleasantly surprised by ST:Prodigy and love the hell out of Lower Decks. Boimler is younger me, but in Starfleet.

      I’ve run guilds and alliances for other games. I tend to play more for story than competition, so I prefer PvE over PvP. Also, I really hate the Q winter event thing – but recognize that its existence also conveys empathy for what Picard must have felt every time Q showed up…

    • Do you accept the rules and regulations? Yes

    aka @robbiewan
    aka VulcanMindMeld

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