Application for aln2162

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application for aln2162

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  • #438680
    Captain Leo
    Fleet Member
    • Real name: Anthony
    • Age: 47
    • Location: Florida
    • Characters: leo@aln#2162 FED
    • Previous fleets: 0
    • Why join the Mighty 44th? The 44th seems established and not judgmental. My goal is to explore all aspects of STO, and fleet membership is an important part of the game. I’ve usually shied away from multiplayer, but STO is very cool, and multiplayer is an important part of this game. I do enjoy the space-battles with other people, and the 44th seems like a good fit for a “casual player”.
    • Tell us about yourself: I love video games, favorite games Mass Effect and Stellaris (although, have enjoyed most Total War and Paradox games). I’m also huge Star Trek fan. I just recently discovered and fell in love with STO, and now I have 6 alts for each character type. I have also recently dedicated my self to re-watching all the Star Trek series in chronological order. I have played STO long enough to learn the ropes (well, a bit) and have created myself my own back story for my alts, and (well, trying) to play the game in chronological order. My favorite parts of the game are (in order)… 1) story 2)space barbie 3) pew pew
    • Do you accept the rules and regulations? Yes
    Gallifrey Captain
    Team Player

    Hi Anthony,

    Welcome to the Mighty 44th! An invite has been sent for leo@aln#2162 but I notice in your application says you have 6 alts. Please recall from the rules you read that we do not allow multi-fleeting, so if you could respond with the names and related factions for your other characters, one of us in Leadership can send invites to them as well. Also, please make sure to log in to each character briefly because if it is has been two+ weeks since you last logged in, we receive an error when trying to send the invite. Thanks!


    Captain Leo
    Fleet Member

    Awesome, I won’t be joining other fleets but appreciate the rule. My other alts are:

    quirk@aln#2162, archer@aln#2162, strange@aln#2162, mal@aln#2162, t’rex@aln#2162, k’ash@aln#2162

    These are really just for inventory and dilithium mining. They probably won’t be very active.


    Captain Leo
    Fleet Member

    fed, fed, fed, rom – fed, kdf, j’hader – fed

    Gallifrey Captain
    Team Player

    All character except k’ash have been sent an invite. Regardless of trying to send one via Fed or KDF, I get an error saying the character is not a member of the same alliance. I’m assuming this is because you are just using it as a bank and didn’t get to the point of choosing the faction. Not a big deal. Anyway, those character types are why I now have 15 characters that I more or less play.



    Captain Leo
    Fleet Member

    Yes, I created k’ash but have yet to really play him to the point of choosing fed/kdf. which is probably why. His turn in the story has yet to come about.

    Awesome and Thank you!!

    Captain Leo
    Fleet Member

    You should be able to send invite to k’ash@aln#2162 now, fed aligned.


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