Our Fleet › Forums › Public Lounge › Recruitment Academy › aplication for Posnamesystem
October 8, 2012 at 11:18 pm #153647
Main character’s name: I switch between characters, earning with the old, building up the new.
Kenji@posnamesystem VA Engineer
Katie@posnamesystem VA Engineer
Eris@posnamesystem Capt. Engineer
Azura@posnamesystem Lt. Tactical
Shoras@posnamesystem Lt. ScienceReal Name (first name only): Joseph
Age: 36
Location (at least time zone): Texas GMT -6
Are you Silver/gold/ or Lifetime?: Silver
Tell us about yourself (trek/game history, whatever you want us to know about you): I used to play dark orbit, and came to STO with a couple of friends from there, but they’ve since quit. I’ve been playing around 4 months.
Why did you choose the Mighty 44th: I searched for english speaking fleets which use teamspeak, then looked around to see if I could spot any members of those fleets and watched to see who was online with recruiting rights to try and gauge activity. I also appreciate that not only is the fleet not spamming for recruits, but actually has an application process.
Have you read the rules (the rules and regulations are located under the ‘About Us’ tab at the top): I have, nothing unusual there.
Are you willing to use Teamspeak?: I prefer to in fact.
As I said, I switch between characters a lot, but am on one of them at least a few hours a day. If accepted, best way to find me is probably sending a message to the handle and I’ll respond from whichever I happen to log into first.
October 8, 2012 at 12:10 am #156634Thanks for applying to the 44th. Glad to have you join our ranks.
We will get you a fleet invite soon. In the meantime, please see this thread for info about the fleet and how to join the private fleet channel:
http://startrek.44thfleet.com/forum/index.php?f=12&t=30&rb_v=viewtopicLet us know if you have any questions, and welcome aboard.
October 8, 2012 at 4:53 pm #156635I have 3 for the KDF fleet:
Nola@posnamesystem VA Orion Engineer
Minira@posnamesystem Cmdr Gorn Science
Fluffy@posnamesystem Cmdr Ferasan TacticalOctober 8, 2012 at 5:13 pm #156636KDF Invites have been sent.
October 10, 2012 at 11:33 am #156637i have seen you around. welcome aboard. do you actually drink turbodog? that is some rough beer. 🙂
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