Thanks for looking at the problem, and same to you.
Real Name: James
Age: 18
Location UK (GMT)
Character Name: Nalla@skrubspanker02 (FED)
Free 2 Play or Lifetime?: Free 2 Play
Tell us about yourself: First started to play STO a few years ago and love anything to do with star trek.
Previous fleets if any: This is my first fleet
Why i decided to join the 44th: Im a pretty simple person who is just looking to help input to a fleet and hopefully gain from it too, as well as making some friends along the way. Also my friend recently join this fleet and pointed me in the 44’s direction (Balthazar).
Have you read and accepted the the 44th rules and regulations?: Yes
I don’t really know why this has occurred, it may be an issue with your sites coding…
I hope it doesn’t affect my application