44th Strike Squadron Omicron.
aka @dexxis7
I will give it a go:
Captains Name: Dexx Varren
Date created: January 20, 2021
Race/Gender: Human/Male (no clue on how to do screenshots sorry.)
Ship Name/Class: U.S.S. Midway / Legendary Crossfield Class
Faction: Federation Discovery Era
I have a question as we level are we allowed to upgrade items? If so which upgrades are we allowed to use?
Also are we allowed to have another character craft specializations for us? Like temporal or pilot?
aka @dexxis7
I have a few toons that are 23c that I would love to do TFOs with I also have one themed for the TOS movie era. JUst let me know when I am on in game.
aka @dexxis7
Thank you I logged in and the invite flashed across my screen if possible may I get another one please
aka @dexxis7