Forum Replies Created
October 7, 2024 at 11:17 pm #439782
Heya and welcome!
we keep our New Members in specific fleets, so I’ve removed Kendrick Troi from 44th and sent an invite to 44th Zeta Fleet (which is our current Fed New Members fleet). Ko’dos also got an invite to 44th Sons of None (our KDF New Members fleet).
Jeanne D’ark, T’Ken, and Remata’Klan all show as already being in fleets. We don’t allow multifleeting. So if you’ll leave those fleets, we’ll be happy to get you invites for those characters.
September 6, 2024 at 4:06 am #439710Hi! You’ve told us the names of your 4 characters: Rawhide, Marr’Nan, Delanna, and Vitarla.
However, you haven’t told us your ingame @handle. The @handle is like the name of your account and is also necessary to send invites. For example, one of my characters is named Asano@BreakingForce. Asano is the character’s name, @BreakingForce is the @handle, and is shared between all of the characters on my account.
March 10, 2024 at 9:52 pm #439247Righto, I’m making the poll, so entries are closed 🙂
February 28, 2024 at 9:08 pm #439217Heya and welcome!
I’ve gotten invites sent to every character you listed, except Speaker to Animals@setalta. Attempting to invite that one throws errors. Is the name correct and typed correctly (including spaces and/or characters)? If so, has the character been logged in in the past couple of weeks?
February 28, 2024 at 8:58 pm #439214Heya!
Thanks for your application! I’ll accept you here in a moment, but there’s one issue.
Under “Characters”, you wrote “@peljam”. @peljam is your @handle, and it’s basically the name of your account. We need the names of your individual characters to send invites.
For example, my main is named Asano@BreakingForce. @BreakingForce is my @handle, and will show on all of my characters, but Asano is the name of the individual character.
Anyway, add the name(s?) of your character(s?) either by editing your application above, or by replying to the forum thread below and we’ll get you invited!
February 19, 2024 at 11:49 pm #439153Heya! We tried to send invites, but are encountering a “Player not found” error. This can be caused by your names being incorrectly entered. Is everything spelled correctly? Are all the numbers in the @handle correct and in the correct places? If not, please correct them.
It can also be caused by that character not having been logged on in the past couple of weeks. If you haven’t been on them recently, please pop them on and let us know so we can send your invites!
February 12, 2024 at 2:12 pm #439113Righto, invite’s sent.
February 12, 2024 at 12:35 am #439110I attempted to invite, but got an error instead. are both your character name and @handle correct? are there numbers at the end of the @handle? if so, we need those too.
December 11, 2023 at 6:40 am #439023Hey, what do you know? Function!
Fr’arry invited. F’rarry invited.
Fra’rry shows as already in a fleet, though.December 11, 2023 at 6:10 am #439022ah! roger, thanks for troubleshooting heh. i’ll try typing the names out 😀
December 10, 2023 at 4:18 am #439021Heya and welcome! I tried to send you an invite, and was informed that you’re already in a fleet. Please leave it so I can send another, and let me know here, in our discord, or in our ingame chat channel “44th-diplo” (instructions on joining it are in the post above).
December 8, 2023 at 1:17 am #439009Frarry’s invite got sent out ok. Everyone else returned errors. The kind of errors that tell me that either the names aren’t exactly correct or alternatively that they haven’t been logged on in the past couple of weeks. STO has a system where if a character hasn’t been logged in in a while, their name is removed from a database somewhere and they can’t receive new fleet invites. To fix this, simply log them into the game.
December 8, 2023 at 1:03 am #439006I’ll accept you in a moment here, I just wanted to say that I don’t know how much interest in RP you’ll find. We’re not explicitly a RP fleet. You’re welcome to try, though. And, if you want to stay in a friendly non-RP fleet while RP-ing elsewhere, you’re welcome to stay. Alternatively, if we’re not for you, feel free to go on your way with no hard feelings!
October 10, 2023 at 12:18 pm #438854o7, Fly safe, vic!
September 15, 2023 at 1:06 am #438761So question: I just got a Windows 11 laptop. Previously, I used ALT-F12 to make the HUD go away when taking screenshots. This no longer seems to work. How do I take a screenshot without the HUD on Windows 11?
Check your key bind settings. Down in the last section, Miscellaneous, there should be a bind for “Toggle Show Game UI”. Mine is set for Alt+f12. No idea if that’s default now, but you ought to be able to change it to whatever you want.