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  • #426804
    Fleet Member

    Hello Marcase,

    Thank you for your extensive reply.
    I’ll be frank , I’m torn between saying “ok , so that’s a ‘no’ then” , and going for a similarly extensive reply .
    As you did me the courtesy of extensive reply , I feel that I have to oblige with the latter , hope I won’t bore you to tears ! 🙂

    > the no multi-fleeting rule has been around since the beginning of the 44th Fleet. It was established so that members wouldn’t have to divide their loyalties between fleets.

    I perfectly understand that , however I don’t think that that (as STO stands at the moment in terms of fleets) is an issue .
    I’m happy to donate EC , Dil or crafted items (within reason) to whatever project I might be asked / expected to .
    I’m not looking to “park a non-active toon in the fleet” , nor as I previously stated, am I looking for any specific gear .
    (I understand that the Dranuur ship gear is a bit better then the Iconian sets that I have on most of my ships , but the Iconian sets serve me fine for the current Meta , as I no longer PVP that much)

    > Plus in the past, We’ve seen where people stay in one fleet for the gear, but only hang out and run TFO’s with friends from their other fleet.

    I was planning to put this part in my fleet application — but this is the reason why I am looking to branch out , namely to find other people to run missions with with some sort of regularity .
    Being in a semi-zombie fleet made the PUG life ok for years , but I’m looking for something of a change in that regard .

    I have also been subscribed to your “44th-diplo” chat channel for over a month (maybe two ?) in order to have a look/see as to the kind of ppl that were in the fleet , as that was an important element to my application .
    In that time I tried to answer a few noobish questions from members relatively new to the game ( I usually leave advanced advice to others ) , and I had @rdm1958 shoot me a friend invite as he couldn’t place me in the fleet roster (I told him that I was not yet in the fleet) .

    > Our policy is that when you join the 44th and after the 2 weeks trial period reach Lieutenant rank in the fleet, you will have access to ALL the max Tier fleet holdings and their bonuses and unlocks without reservation – with practically no limit to alts in either Fed or KDF fleet (within reason of course). I think this might balance any amount of resources you may have invested in your previous fleet over the years.

    I’m not sure if I contributed to it , but I think that there’s a misconception as to my affinity to my current fleet .
    It has nothing to do with resources, past or present .

    For me it’s part nostalgia (for the good times and the bad) , from having been ‘poached’ by Cryptic for two Dev’s , to the times we had a fairly popular video podcast , to some of the “drama wars” , to me telling the Officers :
    “I’m gonna be an Officer , when this fleet is dead !” aaaand then they promoted me anyway . 🙂
    (I really didn’t want to become an Officer)

    And currently, it’s also because of the lack of participation from the current upper ranks — which , because I play at unusual hours, as I work in shifts at all hours of the day — this often leaves me to get PM-ed to start a project , or to invite someone new to the fleet (even after I tell them that socially we’re pretty much dead) .

    I don’t mind the occasional “here for the gear and then leaves” fleet candidate (as currently, STO itself is in a semi-zombie development mode) — because while we enable gear / ship purchase access right off the bat — that means that some leave after buying what they want , some also stay , and help us chip away at the Lvl 4 Fleet Colony (on the Fed side) — we pretty much stalled out on the KDF side at the moment .

    > promotions (and fleet store access) in the 44th is based on time in the fleet, what we can offer you is the usual 2 week trial period where you can experience the 44th and decide if you wish to join us after all.

    Ok , so like I said , I’d like to give the Mighty 44th a try , for social reasons .
    If I have left anything out , that would be that I’m also an “essential worker” (no covid slacking for me sadly 🙂 ) , and aside from that I also have some family obligations that also take priority over any gaming obligation .
    Speaking of ‘gaming obligations’ , another view to my affinity to my current fleet would be that STO is my first (and only MMO) , and while I certainly have met ‘gamers’ that change fleets as if they were nothing special , I see any fleet as a mutual investment , which is why I have given some thought to the type of fleet I’m looking for .

    > That banking fleet is something we can talk about.

    Ok, thanks .
    However if I’m not allowed to also remain in my current fleet (with some toons) , then perhaps I shouldn’t make an application to the 44th , as I value your time as well as mine , and I don’t want to waste your time .
    Plz let me know what you think .

    Cheers !

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Aelfwin.
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