Our Fleet › Forums › Public Lounge › Main Deck › Returning Player Looking for some Help, Please
August 9, 2012 at 6:44 pm #153567
Fleet MemberI was invited to hop on these boards for a bit of assistance by a fellow named rdm1958. Essentially I last played STO back before Season 3. A lot has happened since then. I do have a level 50 Fed science officer, but wanting to get re-introduced to the game with KDF.
I do have a 30 KDF Science officer, but willing to restart from scratch with KDF and rock through the levels. My problem is, I have no idea where to go, what to do, or what ship/character build to go with.
What I am looking for is some help with essentially a basic build to use for my new science KDF being geared towards carriers for right now. Something easy for me to follow to help me get a feel for things. The STO boards are filled with… garbage? Hard to find anything since PW took over…
Thank you, and sorry to be a bit of a bother to you all.
August 10, 2012 at 7:06 pm #156202Hey Hawke, are you part of a fleet? We have both a Fed and KDF fleet, and would love to have you join our ranks. Once you are part of the fleet, we’d be able to help you with more than just advice/builds and such. If you are so inclined, please post an app in our recruitment section. We’d love to get all your characters set up. Personally, I am leveling up a brand new (well as of 3 days ago) KDF engineer (currently level 28). Wouldn’t mind having some company.
btw, they changed how KDF works. If you start a new KDF character, you will start at level 20.
August 10, 2012 at 7:13 pm #156203Hawke
Fleet MemberI am not part of the fleet. Primarily, I have no idea how much use I will be. My general cycle of gaming is to stick with a MMO for 3-6 months, then drift. Wife says I am meta-cognizant and hates it when I self diagnose myself, especially since I am no doctor LOL!
I have no problems with group or TS, but the information of migratory patterns may turn you off anyways. 😛
August 10, 2012 at 7:19 pm #156204No worries about your migratory nature. I’d encourage you to apply anyway. You don’t have to be ‘useful’ to us. We are all here to have fun. If you want to help us build a starbase, great. If not, you’re still welcome to enjoy it/use it. But really, the best way we can help you is if you become ‘part of the family’. (hmm, starting to sound like the Godfather here, lol)
August 10, 2012 at 7:25 pm #156205Hawke
Fleet MemberJust dont make me an offer that I cannot refuse. 😛
August 10, 2012 at 8:03 pm #156206Starting a new KDF character doesn’t take too long but unless you really have a hate on for the character you created I don’t see a need to change up.
Season 3 was quite a while ago. Maybe so long ago that science isn’t all it was cracked up to be. Because of the duration of your time away science powers may have been more powerful then as I think they got hit with a significant nerf in the interim. I only signed in at season 5 myself so I don’t know how good science was. I will state that while not my most powerful characters I enjoy my science officers as they allow me to play a very rewarding and creative game. Science abilities and playing with combinations of effects are entertaining if not as effective as “point and shoot”.
If you are considering a Kar-Fi I could tell you how I play. The heavier, slower turning choices don’t interest me too much. I don’t think my advice or anybody else’s would be of much use because it concerns a science build. The beauty of science is it’s flexibility. You have the pleasure of discovering a build you like to play and get to run it your own way.
My general advice is to pick a couple foci/skill areas based of your preferences and become a “specialized generalist”. What this oxy-moron implies is to become fairly good in a couple science skills as opposed to be “meh” at everything or awesome at one. Be wary of the skills on the high end of the skill charts as the points cost are very high. Make sure those are skills you want to use in your build. Sixes in skill tiers are quite strong while not suffering from the diminishing returns of full nines. If you want to really amp abilities look at the deflector buffs from the sets before worrying about science consoles. If I remember right because of the casual investments I made in captain skills and good deflector choice and including the borg console 4 of my applied skills run higher than 100.
I built my characters before I joined the 44th. I had played solo and my build strategies made me a “fighting generalist”. As I play about more with the fleet I recognize changing my build into a more science support/control role is a better way to go as I’m not soloing and can rely on my mates to take care of the heavy hitting. I never wanted to be a healer playing a science vessel. I think engineers do it better and it’s silly to pick up the pieces when you should be proactive and hurt the enemy before they hurt you. Disrupting an enemy and setting them up for your hurt or your winger’s is a beautiful thing.
People cry about frigates and their DPS being low. They are tough and will take a beating that would wreck most other pets. While their persistent damage may be lower anyone who ignores tricobalt devices deserves to die to your pets alone and probably isn’t worthy of the mother ships attention (rifting and tricobalt devices are a beautiful thing too)
Before I went off on another tangent I meant to say I was going to rexamine my build because of cooperative play opening some new options (maybe some tbr among other things). If you or anybody else on the forum want to exchange some ideas I’d be happy to be part of the discussion.
Either way you go (new charcter or stick it out) you’ll be a VA in no time. Always remember that the mirror universe events are your friends and story missions are only fun the first couple times you have to play them 😀 .
August 10, 2012 at 8:52 pm #156207Hawke
Fleet MemberThanks for the tips. I do appreciate it.
August 11, 2012 at 9:59 pm #156208@Hawke wrote:
The STO boards are filled with… garbage?
Well, yes and no. There can be some good advice to be found there as well as some horrible advice. Same goes anywhere I suppose. My biggest beef with the ‘official STO forum’ jackwagons are so full of themselves and take this game waaay too seriously… As for builds, there are some very knowledgeable people right here in the 44th. Here you won’t get answers like, ‘that build you have sucks and your an idiot’. You will however get good advice from long-time STO vets here. I did and I am not sorry for asking for help as I now have a rockin-good build. Its your ship
, fly them as you like to fly them and if you like something one way and it works for you, do it! Bottom line is, we are here to have fun!Welcome back and welcome aboard!
August 13, 2012 at 6:47 am #156209bodgeup
Fleet MemberHmm I think we already are a Mob!! LOL, I thought i was gunna get a Cap in my arse a litte while ago!
😀 😆 😀 😆
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