Reputation Sponsership Tokens

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Main Deck Reputation Sponsership Tokens

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  • #154412
    Fleet Member

    Could someone clear up for me about the rep sponsorship tokens? Can you sponsor other people in your fleet by sending them a token or are you only able to sponsor other characters within you account?


    Team Player

    When you finish T5 reputation, you can only use it to sponsor your other characters on the account. You can’t send it to other fleet members or sell it on the exchange. (:

    Fleet Member

    Got it. Thanks for the info.

    Team Player

    No problem. It would be great if they introduce sponsorship tokens for new crafting system. There are 7 schools of crafting and each one will take same amount of time to complete as t5 reputation.

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

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