Main character’s name: Fanee@whets
Real Name: Dan
Age: 48
Location: AZ
Are you Silver/gold/ or Lifetime?: Gold
Tell us about yourself (trek/game history, whatever you want us to know about you): Always been a big fan of all the series and played alot of the games. Started STO in closed Beta and really enjoyed it, but i screwed up and burned myself out. left to join friends in other games. been back for about 2 weeks now and im enjoying the game again, altho i feel im learning it all over.
Why did you choose the Mighty 44th: when i first logged back in after my break, i ran into one of your members that answered a question for me. then i saw your recruitment thread and checked the site out. i liked the structure and the no drama policy (im retired Navy)
Have you read the rules and regulations?: yes and i agree with them
Are you willing to use Teamspeak?: yes