Application for Trel

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application for Trel

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  • Author
  • #439566
    Fleet Member
    • Real name: Chris
    • Age: 58
    • Location: Minnesota
    • Characters: J’len@bjorjlen#6464 (Fed), Cor’tana@bjorjlen#6464 (Fed), Adam Tro@bjorjlen#6464 (Fed), Chiss@bjorjlen#6464 (Fed), Da’Kali@bjorjlen#6464 (Kling), V’arin@bjorjlen#6464 (Rom), + 4 others…
    • Previous fleets: Soldiers of Fortune
    • Why join the Mighty 44th? I have been looking for a good, mature Fleet to join since coming back to the game that “fits” my game play, style, and views. Looking around for a while, I saw the 44th Fleet, and having checked the Website out, I liked what I saw/read. So here I am… 🙂
    • Tell us about yourself: Well, that would be a story unto itself lol. In short (too late), I am a long time fan of Star Trek (especially the Next Gen & Strange New Worlds), am a long time PC gamer who’s current games I play are City of Heroes (Homecoming), & STO. I also have played and like Guild Wars 2 (though I have taken a break from it for now, which I do occasionally with games as burnout and real life happen)and even the Phone App game Godzilla Battle Line (yes, I am a big old school Godzilla fan too 🙂 )…
      I am Disabled though with Epilepsy ever since I was 14 years old, as well as having several medical conditions (surgery on my back, neck, & knees). And while a casual and easy going gamer, I am a very serious team player, value respect big time, and like to learn (though having brain damage from my seizures, I do have memory issues). And while not a “social butterfly”, I love & respect communication a ton too. There is a lot more, as everyone has a story to tell, but that’s about it for a simple one…
    • Do you accept the rules and regulations? Yes
    Gallifrey Captain
    Team Player

    Welcome, Chris!

    I am going to be added some mods to my STO account to hopefully remove some of the overly bright effects that bother people like us. One of the very knowledgeable fleet members is helping me out and I can do the same for you 🙂


    Fleet Member

    Hiya Galli… 🙂
    Nice name btw; I too am a Dr Who fan of old. 🙂 Thank you for the message, and for letting me know about the Mods you plan on adding. Not sure if or how it can be done for the game, so I can only assume that it is for either Discord or here on the Website? Though these don’t have any real bright effects, so I am a bit confused as to what the Mods will apply to, and how it can be done. 🙂
    However, that being said, I actually take Meds for my Epilepsy (which are Grand Mal, which I apparently have suffered threw since younger than 14 years old… which was a surprise for me, let me tell ya). It’s Phenytoin, and I was taking 300 mg’s/day, but it’s since been increased to 450 mg’s/day if I remember correctly.
    It seems to be working very well, because while I do watch out for to much flashing lights, so far most of the in game effects in STO (and some other games) haven’t really hit me hard. Which is good, cause I certainly do like the graphics effects in the game lol. I do appreciate it though, and would be great (if these Mods are for the game that is) if there was a option for us to turn on/off the Mods ourselves (if possible). Just a thought… 🙂
    Thanks again though, especially for the info. See you in game (and in chat maybe… nice to know about the channel too)… 🙂


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