Application for Shadow

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application for Shadow

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  • #438236
    Fleet Member
    • Real name: Shadow
    • Age: Mid 30s
    • Location: Mountain
    • Characters: Shadow@Shadow#25038 (Fed)
    • Previous fleets: None
    • Why join the Mighty 44th? Looking for a fleet to explore that part of the game and help learn as I’ve only just gotten back into it in the last week or so. I played originally sometime right after it came out, but left for a lack of content and now there’s a lot to learn and catch up on.
    • Tell us about yourself: I’ve been a star trek and sci fi fan since I was a kid, I’ve watched all of the shows and been on a kick after watching the latest season of Picard and almost caught up on Lower Decks. Needed something to scratch the Star Trek itch and decided to give the game a go again since it’s got a decent free to play footprint.
    • Do you accept the rules and regulations? Yes
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Gallifrey Captain. Reason: Add character name and faction
    Gallifrey Captain
    Team Player

    Hi Shadow,

    I was able to figure out your one character name was Shadow@Shadow#25038 but if you have any other characters, we need to have their names (and faction/kdf or fed). Thanks and welcome to the 44th!

    Time Lady@gallifreycaptain#2621

    Fleet Member

    Welcome on in the 44th! Qapla’

    Von "Ace" Velton

    Fleet Member

    Thank you! Just the one character, I just restarted this week.

    Gallifrey Captain
    Team Player

    No problem  then, I’ve already sent an invite to Shadow.



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