Application for Penumbra6879

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application for Penumbra6879

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  • Author
  • #439864
    Fleet Member
    • Real name: Jason
    • Age: 44
    • Location: Wisconsin CST -6 GMT
    • Characters: @penumbra6879
    • Previous fleets: Spartan Vanguard 11th fleet
    • Why join the Mighty 44th? I am a returning player. not only returning but when I did play about 6 years ago I never really found a fleet that was active. I have yet to actually group with a non-pug. I feel that I can find people to enjoy this game with. and explore all there is to do. plus assist me in understanding this game better. (I was today years old when I found out that that lifetime membership i bought years ago allows me to refine an extra 1k dil every two days)

      once i saw your site. read your rules, and took note of how to join. I was convinced. I have been playing online games for 20 plus years and I have been looking for a community that really emphasizes the community part of it. by you requiring a person to actually apply to the fleet really makes a person need to take the time to join. not many do this in the current era of gaming and I miss it.

    • Tell us about yourself: I am a life long gamer. I have run multiple online communities and I play a wide range of games. I am also a avid table top game player. I run and judge local TCG tournaments at my local gaming store. run a dnd campaign for my friends.

      I have always loved star trek. for most of my younger years I feel i was more of a star wars nerd. but I recently made the proclamation that I think i am a bigger star trek nerd than star wars. I am rambling and I do not know why I felt the need to state that. but I guess it kind of gives who ever reads this a insight in to my personality.

      I’m 44 years old, married with no kids. (unless you count our fur babies) I am a Telecom Engineer working for my local Telecom company.

      I like long walks on the beach, and my favorite ice cream flavor is blue moon. (according to my wife that is not an “adult flavor” apparently).

      anyway I hope my bio has amused you. and i hope to hear from the 44th soon.

    • Do you accept the rules and regulations? Yes
    Gallifrey Captain
    Team Player

    Hi Jason,

    Welcome to the Mighty 44th! I’d like to finish your addition to our fleet, but first I will need the name(s) of all your characters, as well as their affiliation, as in:

    Time Lady@gallifreycaptain#2621 (Fed), R’ani@gallifreycaptain#2621 (KDF)

    Once we have the names, any member of Leadership can send you your initial invites.

    Vice Admiral Galli (Time Lady@gallifreycaptain#2621)

    Fleet Member

    Thane@penumbra6879 (Fed)

    Mixus@penumbra6879 (Fed)

    Vek@penumbra6879 (Fed)

    B’Rad@penumbra6879 (KDF)

    Earon@penumbra6879 (Fed)

    • This reply was modified 2 months ago by Jason.
    Gallifrey Captain
    Team Player

    Thanks for responding so quickly; all your characters have been invited.

    V.A. Galli

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