Application for Aelfwin

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application for Aelfwin

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  • #439360
    Fleet Member
    • Real name: Aelfwin (the A is silent)
    • Age: 48
    • Location: UTC+3
    • Characters: 52 toons it total . Initial applicants : Grimlock@Aelfwin – kdf , Pythona@Aelfwin – kdf , Wilma Flintstone@Aelfwin – fed , Katerina Anastasia@Aelfwin – fed
    • Previous fleets: Jupiter Force
    • Why join the Mighty 44th? Hello . I have inquired about 4 years ago about joining while still being in another fleet .
      As that is no longer the case , I am now applying to the 44th .
      I’m looking for a slightly more social fleet , and the 44th fits the bill — from what I’ve seen / who I interacted with via the 44th-diplo channel . I’m open to teaming for STF/TFO’s (or I’ll just keep on clawing at the Random Elite button) .

      Please note that (as noted in my previous inquiry) — I have 4 “banking fleets” .
      From my previous interaction with @Marcase , that wasn’t to be an issue if I applied to the 44th .
      Here’s a link regarding this conversation :

      A question about “multi-fleeting” before submitting an application

      The fleets are :

      When Pigs Fly – fed
      House of Falafel – kdf
      House of Furballs – kdf
      Nogs Bunch – kdf

      I’ve played Colony Sims with your fleet several times in the past — occasionally donating my Provisions via temp invites . Always up for a Sim if the time zones align (I’m usually on early evening Europe time) .

    • Tell us about yourself: Around what people see as “half life” , but I have yet to figure some stuff out.
      Trek fan (but unhappy with the new stuff) .
      80’s cartoons fan (especially of the relatively unknown Spiral Zone) .
      Sometimes called a “bad sci-fi fan” because I don’t quite fit the mold .
      Recently (while bravely running away from modern sci-fi) I’ve been re-immersed in the 2000’s Battlestar Galactica . Ron Moore’s writing is really something else .
      If you have any questions — feel free to ask . 🙂
      I myself have one question : how many “relatively active” toons (I tend to switch activity) is currently considered ok to have in the fleet ? I posted 4 toons for invite , but I have around 10 that I rotate in between (not counting dil / contraband mules) . Thanks .
    • Do you accept the rules and regulations? Yes

    After you create your Discord account, let someone know you are already in the fleet and just need Fleet Member access to Discord. Your 4 toons have been invited.

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