Application for valerian88

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application for valerian88

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  • Author
  • #439924
    Fleet Member
    • Real name: Greg
    • Age: 60s
    • Location: Australia (UTC +11)
    • Characters: Romulan Fed aligned. Enriov Mrian t’Vrirehu@valerian88; Riov Reuben ir-Aihai@valerian88; Enarrain Jam’zhar@valerian88; Aendeh T’Shalkie@valerian88
    • Previous fleets: Colonial Alliance (fractured in internal conflict); Imperial Romulan Fleet (punted after inactive period)
    • Why join the Mighty 44th? Looking to join a casual, laid back, no obligations community and ready to help with marks and dil to level up as needed. I spent over 3000 hours back in 2013-14 grinding up a couple of fleets and doing projects. Not so much since then and only came back to the game recently. If I can help out, I will.
    • Tell us about yourself: Married and now retired, I’m only a casual player and despite time in game, more a slogger than a star. I often lonewolf when I have my own projects and sometimes need to be offline for extended periods due to real life priorities so the flexibility in the fleet will be greatly appreciated. I am Romulan focused, being a particular fan of TNG, DS9, ST:Picard in recent times and the work of Diane Duane on Romulan lore: if you happen to think my own character names look a little convuluted it’s because they’re from some old fanfiction of mine still lying around the web somewhere. Look forward to seeing you in game.
    • Do you accept the rules and regulations? Yes

    Welcome aboard, mate!

    Always good to have another Aussie in the group o7

    Peace and Long Life

    Gallifrey Captain
    Team Player

    Hi Greg,

    Welcome to the fleet; I tried to send you an in-game message, but it would not go through (possibly because of settings or your email box is full). All characters but Enarrain Jam’zhar@valerian88 have been invited to the fleet. The error I receive when trying to send the invite indicates that the character has not been logged into for over 2 weeks. Please just log in and let me (R’ani@gallifreycaptain#2621) know via an in-game message, or ask for an invite to Zeta Fleet on our Discord roster-requests channel, or in the 44-Diplo chat channel.

    Vice Admiral Gallifrey (Galli)

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