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Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
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Our Fleet › Forums › Public Lounge › Main Engineering › A couple "minor?" complaints
After scratching my head for quite a while it looks like stickies always are visible, no matter which forum you are viewing. Very confusing hehe (to me at least). Additionally stickies appear to be in alpha sort, where other posts are by time? I think would make sense to have them all display by time, other than the stickies on top?
Also times are presented in some other timezone than my own, and I wasn’t able to find a way to set my preference for that. So a post “8 minutes ago” is actually in the future. Did I miss something?
Having a little trouble going directly to unread posts, maybe I keep losing it. What should I bookmark?
That’s actually the same as on the old forum — there are “super stickies” that appear in every forum and normal “stickies” that only appear in the forum that they are posted in.
Not sure about time zones, I’ll get back to you on that.
For keeping up with things, the “Latest Forum Activity” page at is what I use.
We could reduce the number of stickies if it will be needed.
When you’re on the Latest forum activity page, click on the name of the topic, which will redirect you to the corresponding post.
Or you can go to the Public Longue, and check the time of posting on the right side of the topic. It could help if there are some “flags” that would show unread topics/posts? I’m not into technical part of the forum so don’t know if that is possible.
I don’t recall super stickies but might be I just never noticed LOL. Thanks guys! I know the website is a real asset for the fleet, and for recruitment which is the fleet’s lifeblood.
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