Kobali Crisis and other missions

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  • #430288
    Delsaran Daro
    Fleet Member

    Ok, you might as well start laughing now.

    It’s patently absurd that I’ve reached this level in the game and some of the most basic aspects of it are still this arcane to me.  The Kobali Front / Crisis mission have been staring at me for months.  I cannot figure out how to start them.  I have Kobali Crisis I selected In Progress.  There is no transwarp option in the minimap to go there.  So I went through the Dyson Gateway to the Delta Quadrant.  I’m in bleeding orbit around Kobali Prime.  No mission start option appears.  The in progress mission window says if I’ve played them already I can replay them by selecting from the console next to Q’nel’s command center. I can’t even get  down to the planet to find that.  I can’t find any way into the mission.  Same with a fistful of other’s.  They’re listed in my minimap mission window as In Progress but no transwarp button.  When I click on the mission info I get the screen with the options to drop, make primary etc.  Clicking the Make Primary option doesn’t give me any way to get to them.  I can’t see how to actually start them…what the devil am I missing regarding picking up these missions?  Who do I have to see…what window should I be in, how do I actually get these started?  Some DO say patrol system whatever and I can figure those out but most of these have no specific instructions other than…”Go to Kobali Prime…”  Fine…I’m here…now what?

    Summarizing…I evidently do not know how to get or do missions that don’t have a transwarp button next to them or how to find the mission givers to try and start them.  So…when you can stop shaking your head, holding your sstomach and laughing yourself sick…


    aka @talyn#3391

    Fleet Member

    I do agree that one of my biggest frustrations when starting to play the game was how awkward the space navigation system was. Like you, I had to rely on starting missions via the transwarp button next to it,and I dreaded missions that for whatever silly reason, the developers chose not to build the same way. The fact that navigating the system maps is a bit clunky, which is why you’ll never find me even trying to do the tour the galaxy event.

    Anyway, to answer your question – unfortunately that mission is not a replay, so I can’t quite remember the exact details. My recollection is that mission takes place on the ground at Kobali Prime. I think the reason it’s not a replay mission is that it simply kicks off the chain of missions. Have you tried just transwarping (if available) to the Delta quadrant, then going into your map mode (M key by default) and searching the system map for Kobali system. You should be able to select that so that the ship auto navigates to the system. When approaching the system (denoted by the star), you should be prompted to enter the system. At that point the next screen should prompt you to beam down to Kobali Prime itself. I think the mission officially starts in the city center.

    Sorry it’s a pain. Don’t even get me started on missions with overlapping mission start areas. Basically when you finish a mission and exit to system, only to be prompted w/ another mission as soon as your screen loads again. I remember getting stuck in a stupid loop going back and forth until I decided to fly a little further past where the jump screen positioned me…

    Delsaran Daro
    Fleet Member


    Thanks for your input.  Unfortunately I’ve tried a number of things.  I’m ppretty positive I already did the Kobali Front mission, because I know I did some of the story arcs within some of the Kobali arc and you’re right I believe, I don’t think Front is replayable because it’s just the gateway to the others…Kobali Crisis I, II and III.  Plus, this isn’t unique to the Kobali arcs…in general, if there’s no transwarp button I’m not at all sure how to start missions other than the Kobali.  I know I never finished them, they’re in my available tab and I can get them to appear in my In Progress tab after selecting them in Available.  Doesn’t solve the problem of how to get to them and get them to start.  I went to Kobali system and Kobali Prime.  While I was typing my original post I was in orbit around the planet.  No Patrol System window appeared.  Neither was there any trigger to start any of those mission arcs.  So…REPLAYING them isn’t even an option because I can’t even get down to the planet to select them from the console in Q’nel’s command centre.  And as I mentioned, this is not unique to the Kobali arc, there are others.  There is something very basic that I’m missing; a ridiculous blind spot / oversight that I’m just not flashing on.  I’m level 65 with upwards of 75 /168 (or however many there are) specialization points and I’m closing in on capping a lot of my skills, commendations; etc. and am on probably my third or fourth round of tours of duty in all four campaigns.  When I started playing the game some months ago I focused on some aspects and blew through so many other facets so fast that I never payed close enough attention to some basic aspects of the game…very basic aspects.  Like starting a mission that doesn’t have a transwarp option next to it that doesn’t automatically take you to the start point.  At this point I’m not sure I even want to play through them it’s gotten so bloody frustrating but I DO want to know what ridiculously simplistic aspect of gameplay I’m not getting.  Thanks again for your time.


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Delsaran Daro.

    aka @talyn#3391

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