Application for zundar002

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application for zundar002

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  • #439434
    Fleet Member

    Main character’s name: Nicolina@zundar002

    Real Name: Jeff

    Age: 52

    Location: Arizona

    Full Alt character names: Fed: Claudette Alvera Nicolina

    Are you Silver, gold or Lifetime?: No

    Tell us about yourself (trek/game history, whatever you want us to know about you): Grew up reading Star Trek novels, mainly TOS. I have played many Trek games, including one that was on something like a dozen 3.5″ floppies.

    Why did you choose the Mighty 44th: Looked up fleets online and saw someone recommend this one on a reddit post. Liked what I read and would like to try joining a fleet. Just don’t expect much from me, while I’m really enjoying the game I’m new at it and not very good at it.

    Previous Fleets: None

    Have you read and accept the Rules and Regulations: Yes



    None of the toons you listed could be invited. They all had the same error of could not be found. Could you check their spelling, the spelling of your handle, and make sure you’ve logged into them recently?

    Once we get that we can invite your toons.



    Got the full handle from diplo: @zundar002#26633

    Fleet Member

    Thanks, I forgot to put the numbers after zundar002. I have been invited and accepted.

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