Application for Window

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application for Window

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  • Author
  • #439191
    Fleet Member
    • Real name: Daniel
    • Age: 37
    • Location: Toronto
    • Characters: Windowz@apexwindow
    • Previous fleets:
    • Why join the Mighty 44th? Coming back to STO after many years, looking for an active community to join to play through stories, do TFOs and other events with.
      Also looking for more knowledgeable people with building out ships as a lot has changed in my time away.
    • Tell us about yourself: 37 year old gamer, been at it since Commander Keen and Duke Nukem (the side scrolling platformer) were things. I still remember when Doom came on a 3 1/2 disk. Don’t worry though, I may be old but I’m not crotchety about it, just the joints may pop a bit when I move.

      Outside of that I remain pretty active outside of the PC environment, love to read and a big horror movie nerd.

    • Do you accept the rules and regulations? Yes
    Fleet Member

    Appreciate it! Looking forward to getting settled in


    Welcome aboard, mate o7

    Peace and Long Life

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