Application for Val Aurora

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application for Val Aurora

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  • #439986
    Fleet Member
    • Real name: Tom
    • Age: 38
    • Location: Holland
    • Characters: Aurora@MuckRatz (KDF) RRF Eng.
    • Previous fleets: This char, cant remember tbh. Other chars, Catian Star Fleet, Starfleet cavalry corp and a few more
    • Why join the Mighty 44th? I’ve been online for a long, long time, mostly active in the RP element of it all, though upgrading the ships is ofcourse a good second, making those look cool… just as important! Done many stories and adventures. I like a good story, a chat, help others or just make fun around. And if i can learn something new in the process that is even better.
    • Tell us about yourself: My name is Tom, 38, been online for ages. I like swimming, RP stories, sci fi and honestly im a startrek fan ever since it was aired on tv and i was allowd to choose what i could watch. Might have been voyager..
      Got the TNG, voyager and DS9 on dvd boxes, ofcourse, and watching them on repeat haha. But i enjoy most good story movies.
      I work in maintenance of a local factory, and love spending time with my Wife and Daughter.
    • Do you accept the rules and regulations? Yes


    Fleet Member

    Oh and a FED char if possible. Brisingr@MuckRatz
    my carrier char XD


    Always nice to see other carrier players about! Welcome and let us know if there are any other toons you want invited.

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