Application for Tourik

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application for Tourik

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  • Author
  • #439761
    Fleet Member
    • Real name: Simon
    • Age: 35
    • Location: United Kingdom
    • Characters: T’Prel@tourik (FED)
    • Previous fleets: Albion Command
    • Why join the Mighty 44th? I’ve been knocking around STO since 2012, for the first few years with an active and enthused fleet. Unfortunately over time players moved on as we’re wont to do, and now as I return the fleet rather ‘feels like a house with all the children gone.’ For years whenever I log in, it’s only me, and my name is the only one showing recent activity. I miss the social element and enthusiasm for the game. And I don’t use zone chat as I value my sanity!

      The 44th, from all I’ve read, sounds a good fit for long-in-the-tooth players like me to play alongside new players and all points in between, an active and modern fleet which at the same time is very well established.

    • Tell us about yourself: I enjoy writing, as anyone can see on clicking my character’s bio. I like to just log in and enjoy the world, and the stories within it, as much as the combat missions. At this stage of my life I’m an irredeemable nerd, interested in history, science, literature, and such typical of the type! My favourite Star Trek series is DS9 for its serious tone and serialised story, with honourable mention to Lower Decks for its whimsy and fanservice.
    • Do you accept the rules and regulations? Yes
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