Application for tadpollard

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application for tadpollard

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  • Author
  • #439443
    Fleet Member
    • Real name: Tad
    • Age: 49
    • Location: Florida
    • Characters: Magnym@Maglyte (Fed)
    • Previous fleets: Not on this toon
    • Why join the Mighty 44th? Wanted to join a large fleet that offered opportunities to team up. Also important that it’s not too serious and accepting of a casual player. I have been logging in a lot lately, but don’t want that to be a requirement. Of course, access to the good stuff is always nice.
    • Tell us about yourself: This is my second return to the game after a long break. Played around launch, then in 2015-16, and now I’m back. I have been playing for a couple of weeks now and enjoying the game more than I remember. After years and years of gaming, I think I finally figured out what I like – Sci-fi with crew management. Finally finished all the missions on this toon and ready for the next step. If I am going to grind, then best to do it with a group of like-minded people.

      Thanks and see you in game.

    • Do you accept the rules and regulations? Yes
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