Application for sterlingkerman117

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application for sterlingkerman117

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  • Author
  • #436857
    Sterling Kerman
    Fleet Member
    • Real name: Sterling Kerman
    • Age: 23
    • Location: MDT
    • Characters: Sterling Kerman@kelmorahk Federation
    • Previous fleets: N/a
    • Why join the Mighty 44th? I have recently taken up the game again and have even started streaming my gameplay. I keep getting asked to join fleets, and I’ve decided that maybe I should actually get into one. After doing my research, the 44th seems to be the best fit for me and may prove the most interesting community to be a part of in combination with my YouTube/Twitch channel.
    • Tell us about yourself: I’m just some nerd who loves science fiction and fantasy. Not much else to say. If you really wanna know, I’ve binged all the series of Star Trek at least five times all the way through, and I’ve read the Silmarillion twice that. Idk, not really that impressive but its a start.
    • Do you accept the rules and regulations? Yes

    Sterling Kerman@kelmorahk

    Sterling Kerman
    Fleet Member

    Just realized I missed the part about using my ingame handle as my username when I created this account. If that is required, I suppose that can be fixed by website administrators? I cannot seem to find an option to do so myself.

    Sterling Kerman@kelmorahk

    Sterling Kerman
    Fleet Member

    Thank you!

    Sterling Kerman@kelmorahk

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